Chapter 1

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Utterly delightful.

The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes and smiling as she was pushed off the bridge by that person.

The peace was beautiful, it felt as if she had finally gotten some rest, as if she had become one with the universe. She couldn't believe she waited so long to die.

She hadn't graduated from high school yet, her only regret was that She hadn't done anything with her life, what about her parents?

They must've felt elated, losing such a burden. Would they be ok? She hoped not, they had treated her like excess baggage, they deserved seven lives of suffering for the mental toll they had put on her! She was completely resentful.

So what would happen now? The afterlife? Hell?

She found her self surrounded by darkness, seeing nothing but a tiny speck of light that came floating towards her.

What was that?

What did it want?

Was it alive?

Could she touch it?

She slowly reached out to touch it, it felt warm and round, but suddenly it spoke. "If you were to be reborn, if I let you, what power would you be reborn with?"

She was a bit taken back, the white light had spoken to her and it's words....

What power?

If she was really allowed to chose a power then...

" Knowledge."

There was an eerie silence, she was a bit afraid that it didn't understand her.

" I see..... then your mind will be your power... In that case I hope you find something to do with such a vast amount of knowledge."

• • •

What happened?

Her eyes slowly opened, found herself lying next to a stream. Where was she? She stared at herself, beautiful emerald eyes with white silk hair, she looked roughly around five years old, she was wearing a cloak.

It was an odd cloak. Black with a red and white yin and yang sign. Under it She was wearing plain black knockers and a white tank top, She didn't mind but she had to keep it clean.

She might as well find somewhere to stay for the night.

But did she not have a special power?

[ knowledge]

Does it work?

She closed her eyes and the entire history of the tailed beasts ran through her head, weakness, origins, how to control them, even an unknown doujutsu...

She smirked, with this power...

Letting out a quiet laugh she began her journey, with a power like hers, her life would be easy here. It didn't really matter where she was, she would survive. But she didn't mind knowing where she was.

Now, her power.... what is her limit?

She soon saw the village in the horizon, she was close and she grew excited. She needed to get a map and maybe someone would tell her where she was.

"Excuse me, sir?" She called out to the figure up ahead. He turned around with his odd eyes staring at hers.

That answered her question, she was in the world of naruto.

The man ahead was kakazu, a member of the akatsuki, without his cloak. That meant he hadn't joint the akatsuki yet, or it hadn't been made yet, either way her luck seemed to be pretty good.

She was really early, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

"What do you want brat?" Kakazu snapped back, his voice cold and rough like the original, simply amazing!

"Let's become business partners."

He stared at her like she had two heads, business partners? He stared harder trying to confirm if she was really a kid.

"I'm listening."

She smirked, she had him hooked, just the mention of money was enough to have him turn his attention on her.

"This is going to be a long term partnership, naturally it's in your interest to join me as the rewards will be beyond your imagination. Her smile grew wider and her eyes dilated.

"I only want you to join me in taking over the world" she said already knowing the question he was going to ask next.

"What makes you so sure you could do such a task?"

This was it!

"Because..." her sharpened canines poked through.

"I have absolute knowledge."

She smiled to herself, this power was amazing, completely incredible! She knew it all! She knew the past! If she wanted to change this world did that mean she would have no idea of the future?

Is that her limit?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a grunt, Kakazu had regained from  underestimating her. She had succeeded in coming in contact with him, she had even told him a boy about her powers.

"You want me to help you rule the world brat? And in exchange for what?" he said still unconvinced that she wouldn't just use him and dispose of him later on. 

She mentally sighed, he was still obsessed with money, but she couldn't criticise.

"I have the knowledge, I can make some money in the next village for you as a starting price, naturally the rest follows after we have achieved our goals." She had only known kakazu through the anime but she was sure of one thing, when it came to money he wouldn't betray you even if he was risking his life. For money he would risk the world..

"Hn," he said stuffing the bag in his sleeve. "So brat what should I call you?"

She pursed her lips, she hadn't thought of a name for herself.

"Yomi" She said as a smile graced her lips, "Tsuki Yomi"

Kakazu sized her up, she was a tiny pipsqueak but she was smart. He had legitimately been impressed by her and had decided to wait and see why profits he would reap.

"Tsuki Yomi, what do you plan on doing?"

"Tell me, has the war ended yet?"

"Not quite, it might soon end.... in a few years." She smirked. She was early but she didn't mind. She had to gather the akatsuki personally before that person could gather them.

"Let's head towards the land of waves to pick up someone, let's go through konoha"

He had to get used to her giving out orders. It hardly bothered him that she was a kid, what bugged him was how smart she was.

"First let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

It couldn't be helped, she was still a child after all.

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