Chapter 13

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The next mission her team was assigned to was an undercover mission, this would be the mission that destines if they'll be qualified for the jonin exams

"Look who's here!" Masumi jested as they both watched as Julie waved goodbye to her father who had come to drop them off.

"Julie~" Yomi started as she approached.

"What now?"

"Is your father still dating that woman?" Yomi asked shyly, Julie groaned still ashamed of her friend's blatant crush on her father.

"Come on guys let's set out, sensei won't be joining us today ya'know" Yomi nodded foolishly before closing her eyes to pray.

Madara please please please help me out on this mission! Please?

[[....]] She hoped that he would stop sulking and would get over his beaten pride.


"Please help me!" The beauty trap was pretty good, Kate came running out with disheveled hair, finding rouge nin to kidnap her wasn't hard the hard part was being convincing.
Seeing the yellow flash she smiled softly to herself, he should be engaging them in a fight but ultimately they'd escape and she'd fall.


Get injured, and he'd come running over. "Are you alright?" He was handsome, and innocent, her puffy eyes let big drops of tears run down her reddened cheeks, her hair had had bits of mud embedded in it and she smelt like sweat and blood, not her blood. He had been curious to how she had escaped, he needed to find out but if he took her back she'd be tortured for information.

"Thank you so much for saving me" she said crying harder and making her heart strings tug, she continued, "I was so s-scared I wasn't gonna come out alive" with that she fully threw herself into his embrace and he flinched a little in case she tried to assassinate him, but when she didn't he felt bad for thinking this distressed girl would do something like that to him.

He turned around and offered his back, he was planning to take her back to his camp to get a fresh change of clothes.

Ultimately this was her goal, as long as she didn't kill him this was going to be a success, a bonus was the fact he was willing to share his clothes. Unknowingly his 'being nice' was going to be her ticket to a raise.

Struggling into his back she made sure she could feel the weight of her bossom pressed against his back feeling his discomfort she grinned to herself, was this guy a virgin?


"Ok, so remember kunoichi classes? We're posing as traveling entertainers, you both remember the recommended safety precautions right?"

Julie and Yomi both nodded, it was a bit strange, only 10 yet she was trained to beguile and mislead men and women, the more she got into this ninja bussiness the more she couldn't wait to retire and just focus on sōzō cooperations.

They changed into exotic silk and she looked at herself in the mirror, she truly felt like an anime girl, a flat chest and a crop top with a tiny physique, she really missed her grown up body, at least no one would take her seriously in this get up. She sighed to herself and she looked enviously at Julie's boobs, she needed to hurry up an grow up.

The Daimyo of rock lived a life of luxury, it wasn't uncommon for him to host grand banquets with beautiful exotic dancers and an abundance of food. It wasn't hard to get hired as an entertainer for the Daimyo, you just had to be pretty. Team 7 was a trained infiltration and information recovery team, this would be one of the easier missions, despite Daimyo's being protected by ninjas their greed allows for openings in security.

The music and laughter was loud enough to be overwhelming but Yomi tried her best to ignore them, in her past life she had never done anything that out her in the spotlight like this. Her heart was beating painfully against her ribcage but if she made a mistake she would lose this opportunity.

Exhaling she tried to steady her breathing as she spun around with her leg kicking up graceful allowing her to do a back flip.

She could hear the cheering and clapping of the men around her and it made her feel euphoric, maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

"Bravo!" The Daimyo clapped his eyes sticking to Julie who bowed, he beckoned to her and she approached him being watched by his personal guards. Pulling her to sit on his lap he handed her a cup of alcohol.

The Daimyo's advisor was the next to act, he couldn't pick a girl before his boss but he was quick to draw masumi closer to him leaving Yomi standing in the middle, granted she had no sexual appeal whatsoever it hurt her adult pride a little.

"Give us another dance!" He said pointing at the 10 year old girl dressed in revealing clothes, Yomi bowed and began to dance again, this was fucked up, but this was the world rn, she hates it and couldn't wait to squash the Daimyo's like ants.

With that thought in mind she danced to the music without a care in the world, once the Daimyo takes Julie into his bedroom he'd be dead, her smile widened.

A/N: I was 14 when I started reborn, now I'm 18, I can't read it it's so cringy what was I thinking 😭. I don't even know how to fix it, 70ish chapters of cringe, any suggestions? Also, remember when I said this was going to be more twisted than the original?

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