Chapter 6

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A/N: I will use kakazu instead of kakuzu because it sounds nicer.

Russian Roulette, the practice of loading a bullet into one chamber of a revolver, spinning the cylinder, and then pulling the trigger while pointing the gun at one's own head. Naturally, the gamblers would have never heard of such a name, so she could twist the rules as much as she wanted.

"Unfortunately gentlemen, I am running late for an appointment so I would love if we could reschedule our little..." Her lips curved "... Randeuvouz..."


The little girl stood in front of the taller grown up with a big smile on her face. The receptionist looked at her before writing a few things on a sheet of paper, "How advanced is she in terms of jutsu or hand to hand combat?" The receptionist asked kakazu who didn't speak and just stared at her. After a few seconds kf awkward silence the white haired girl turned around to stare at him.

".... She is a complete novice"

The receptionist scribbled it down.

"She's going to be lumped up with people her age, she'll have to take extra lessons.... Her age?"

"I'm 6!" She said in a very excited manner similar to that of a normal civilian child. Clan children knee of the realities early on and weren't so chirpy.

"You'll be in the 6 to 8 class, when do you want her to start?" She turned again to kakazu.

"...Today" he said and she nodded.

"Do you have an ID? Just to make sure you're not a foreign ninja..."
Kakazu tossed out a counterfeit that she inspected before handing it back to him.

"Ok, little girl please come with me, they will be dismissing in roughly 4 hours." Kakazu nodded before turning to leave, he naturally had other things to do. Tsuki Yomi waved and skipped after the receptionist.

They walked up a floor of stairs and a walked down a series of corridors before arriving at her classroom. The door was opened as she was ushered in to a class that was rather small, fifteen students dotted around the area with majority sitting with a friend.

"Are you a new student?" The male at the desk asked her and she nodded before walking up to him. She noticed there were only three girls, two sat besides each other while the other day next to a group of boys.

"My name is Amano sensei, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"My name is Tsuki Yomi, it's a pleasure to meet you!" She said bowing slightly, the fact she hadn't mentioned she was a clan kid made the teacher lower his expectation of her, civilian children where normally behind in terms of jutsu and combat compared to clan children, this one should not be any different.

"Welcome Yomi, please take a seat so we can carry on with the class."

Naturally he carried on with his drilling lecture, he wasn't going to pay any more attention then necessary to a civilian child much less a girl.

Tsuki Yomi walked up the stairs to the back of the room where a kid was sleeping, his blue skin was his defining features and his small gills made her giggle a little.

She had never seen a shark person in real life, this was really amazing.

She sat next to him leaving very little space between them.

The blue boy opened his eyes to glance at the girl sitting next to him and couldn't help but feel blinded by her dazzling smile.

He wasn't speaking, it seemed like she was a new girl hence the reason she had taken the initiative to actually sit even remotely near him. They both stared at each other as the teacher drilled on in the background.


"Yes?" Yomi asked eagerly.

"Why are you here?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked raising her brow making him feel like he had asked a ridiculous question.

".... I bite..."

"Me too!" She said showing her pearly whites to him, he felt slightly stunned but couldn't help but laugh.  "If you bite me I'll bite you!" Yomi finished as she smiled to herself.

"Who are you?"

"Tsuki Yomi! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

"... I'm kisame....Hoshigaki Kisame.."

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Meanwhile kakazu looked at the strange wheel he was asked to purchase and seemed confused as to where exactly she had gotten this idea.

The wheel had an arrow in the middle that would point at any sections that has different body parts with one section having none.

So this was Russian Roulette?

Naturally, this was not the Russian Roulette Tsuki Yomi was familiar with but it was as close as she could get considering the technology and the costs.

Their rendezvous had been scheduled at midnight.

And naturally she was on time.

Glancing at the wheel that had been laid out in front of her then at the large man that sat across from her with a beauty in his lap.

"Shall we?"

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