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I ran my fingers through my now-messy hair. What can I do to fix this? Nothing, at this point. The only thing I can do is... shit. I don't know. I could lie. I could tell Mattie that I had missed him, and that I had waited for him... Or I could tell him the truth. That I had been an unfaithful slut. I am disgusting.

"Sydneyyy?" Trey's voice rang through the house.

I sighed deeply and called out to him, "Yeah, in here." I heard him roll out of my bed, and his soft footsteps on the padded floor.

"Hey." He sat down next to me, his hands in his lap.


"I'm sorry."

"Trey..." I couldn't hold in my tears any longer. I let out a quiet sob.

"Sydney..." Trey put his hand on my trembling back. He held it there for a moment, and then pulled me into a hug. "...I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, and I didn't want to make you do this..."

Between sobs I let out a reply, "T-Trey, it's o-okay... It's my fa-fault!" That sentence brought on a whole new onslaught of tears. "It... it's all m-my fau-"

"Sydney, stop." Trey cut me off, "Please listen." His words were soft and reassuring. I tried to steady my breath between tears.

"Sydney, nothing is 'your fault'. Okay? Nothing. I know that this wasn't right, and I honestly feel so horrible for even initiating it. But, you can't blame yourself. I know you're doing that right now, but you have to stop. You- no, we made a mistake. It happened, and we can't change that. But, we can come to terms with it. Sydney..." He paused for what seemed like an eternity, and let out a deep, sad, sigh. "... I know that you don't want this. We aren't right for each other. Wanna know why? Because you have someone right for you, someone who's not me. I know that you still love him, and it's okay. That's what matters, Syd. That you still love him."

I whimpered and he rubbed my shoulder. "I-I really fucked up, Trey..." My tears were now silent as they rolled down my cheeks.

Trey squeezed me tightly and when he let go, I rested my head in his lap, and he played with my hair. After my crying had stopped, I was left with red eyes and a sniffy nose.


"Yeah, Syd?"

"Are you okay?"

"Sydney. I'm going to be okay now...."


"I promise."

I let a few more moments of silence pass.

"Trey? I think you're my best friend." He didn't reply immediately, just kept stroking my hair. Before I could find out if he did have a reply for me, I fell asleep right there in his lap.

Falling Too HardWhere stories live. Discover now