Chapter 2

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Elena woke up the next morning, with two strong arms wrapped around her torso, and a warm body perfectly molded to hers and Dean attached to them, also currently smacking his gums together in his sleep.

"Food again Dean? Really?"

He was constantly dreaming about food.

She looked over at his face for a moment. He always looked so chiseled and rough, but in all actuality, his skin was as soft as rose petals. His lips, were juicy and succulent. His body was... well, that part was rough and chiseled. She loved to run her fingers over his curves constantly. He had an amazing body. The best she'd ever seen by far.

She tried to slip out of the bed undetected, to grab the book and run to the bathroom with it, but when she sat up, it was gone. She knew who it was that took it, but she wondered...

"Did he even knock? What if I was naked!"

Suddenly, Dean began to stir behind her.

"Who's naked!"

Dean said, already at attention, sitting up ready to go.

"No one Dean. Go back to sleep."

She said, as she scooted out of the bed. Dean huffed behind her.

"No, you come back to bed. I've been gone for over a week. Sleep in with me. Please?"

She slouched over the edge of the bed, trying to get out of it. As he grabs her by her waist, kind of roughly, with all his manly muscles, he throws her underneath him, and lays on top of her, and begins kissing her desperately. Causing her to give in, and go back to bed for some alone time with her man.

After about an hour, she looks at her phone to check the time.

3 missed calls from Bonnie, 2 from Caroline, and 8 from Jeremy. 22 text messages, all from Bonnie, and 2 from Caroline. Not interested, she ignores them all and checks the time.

Sitting up, she felt rough fingertips lightly touch her back and her sides. Gliding over her like leaves blowing in the wind, as he kisses her back. She closes her eyes, enjoying his attention,  thinking about going back to bed, but knows if she does, she may never get back out again. Dean was very persuasive.

Instead, decided to try again to look at the clock.
7:30 am. Just enough time for a run.

After she gets up, she begins to frantically look for her running shoes, and brushes her hair into a ponytail.

She looks over to Dean, and he has a pouty face on, with his bottom lip sticking out.

"How have you been feeling? You were sick when I left, and Sam said you've been sick all week. You ok?"

She looks at herself in the mirror, while putting on her spandex running pants and tank top.

As she put on her hat, pulling through the ponytail in the back, she answers Dean.

"I'm sure I'm fine Dean. Nothing to worry about. K? I'm going for a run. Unless... you wanna join me?"

She gives him a playful wink.

"Oh, what was that Sam? You need me to drive somewhere for you? To get something? Sorry Elena. But I don't run. And I gotta go."

Dean starts to stand up, but Elena pushed him back down on the bed. Kissing him hard on the way down, and straddling his sides as Dean slips his hands up the sides of her shirt, then gliding them to her sides, grabbing her ass.

She pins his hands above his head with hers, then jumps up and out of the bed. Swaying her ass all the way to the bedroom door.

"Nice try babe. But Sam is out front waiting for me. We've been going on runs every morning at this time. Sorry... Be back soon!"  As she blows him a kiss, Dean sticks out his tongue at her.

"Maybe later. If you're a good boy."

Dean mumbles something under his breath, and shoves his pillow over his face from frustration and yells into it.

"Damn it!"

He yells.

"Elena! Wait up!"

Taking their normal path, they pass beautiful trees, with leaves of every color. Getting ready to dwindle off of them for Autumn. Elena thinks to herself, that she needs to come back this way and collect some leaves for decorations around the bunker.

After about a mile, Sam and Elena stop for a second, but continue to run in place so they don't get too tired by stopping completely.

"Where's Dean?"

They both turn around to look in the direction that he should be, when Elena decides to stop running in place. Leaning over and placing her hands on her knees to balance, Sam then does the same.

"Dean! If you can't stand the heat, stay out the kitchen!" Sam yells.




"Maybe we should go back and look for him?"

"Ya, maybe he stopped for a nap."
They both laugh, then get back up to a run again to go back and find him.

They look left and right, through the trees on the sides of the trail they were on. When they get back to the end where they started.

Elena and Sam look at each other with confused looks on their faces.

Then look to another vehicle parked out front of the bunker.

"Wait a second. I know that car."  Elena says.

"That doesn't explain where Dean is."

"Sam, I don't see him anywhere, and no one is in the car. Also... that's Bonnie's car."

"Damn it Elena! I told you to just call her back! If you did then she wouldn't be here now. Dean hates unwanted guests. You know that. He's probably got her tied up in the basement."

"Oh shut it Sam. He loves Bonnie. I'm sure she's fine. Let's just finish our run."

Elena takes off, back into the forest. Sam right behind her.

"Elena, you can't avoid her forever." Sam grabs her arm, causing her to stop. Bringing his face up to hers. Elena felt defeated but wasn't ready to give up. "Eventually, you'll have to talk to her. It must be important if she drove all the way here just to tell you."

Elena let her arms fall to her sides as she really was defeated. Clearly, Dean gave up because he is already there with her, or he was so slow that he saw the car and never actually went on the run, and Sam was always on board for answering Bonnie's calls and texts.

"Fine! Let's go."
She said as Sam let go of her arm and they walked back to the compound.

Upon opening the door, Elena began her decent down the stairs from the door upstairs. Looking down with Sam behind her, she could see Dean and he looked upset. Like, really upset. When he looked up at her with his sad green eyes, he gave her a half grin, then looked away.

"Oh my God. Elena?"

Bonnie said as she ran up to her, placing her arms around her. In a hug type thing but not quite. She was holding her in place  why? Elena was still half way up the stairs, afraid of what she would walk into when she got the rest of the way down stairs.

"We really need to talk. First Elena, you should know that someone, not me, created another 'otherside' and..."

Suddenly, someone walked out of the shadows, and to the bottom of the stairs. Someone she hadn't expected to see. Ever again.


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