Chapter 33

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Elena had been up all night, worried about Dean, since she never tried to call him. But she didn't want to interrupt these moments with him and his father. She knew these moments would be precious. She also knew if her father came back to life, she would be a little preoccupied as well. Since he also gave his life for hers. He died, so Elena could be rescued first by Stefan when their car went over wickery bridge and into the river.

Then there was her Uncle John. Which she found out later on was actually her birth father, and he gave his life for her as well. Letting his life force flow through her when she was killed at Klaus' sacrafice. So that she could live. She had no parents either. So she understood the importance of these moments with them. She didn't want to impede on them.

But eventually, she fell asleep on the couch along with Bonnie and Jeremy beside her.

Elena awoke, to the tender warmth, and soft feel of Dean's lips on hers. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw Dean's alluring green eyes, Sparkling down on hers. His gentle hands cupped her face as he slid her hair behind her ears so he could see her face.

Elena shot up, not expecting to see him.

"Oh my God, Dean!" She said as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "You're back! How is he? Your dad, I mean." Dean smiled.
"Why don't you ask him." Dean said, as he moved out of the way, to see John standing behind him. Elena stood up, pressing her dress down, and trying to get rid of the wrinkles. As she walked over to him, she held out her hand to shake it, and he pulled her in for a hug. Squeezing her tightly.
"Oh! I wasn't expecting this." Elena laughed.
"Elena, I'd like you to meet John. My dad. Dad? I'd like for you to meet Elena. The love of my life." He said as she blushed. He has never introduced her that way before. It immediately made her nervous.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. Winchester."
"Please Elena. Just call me John." He smiled. He stared for a long moment at Elena. Lost in thought.

"I remember when I met your mother." John said as he looked over at Dean who was now standing next to Elena. "We may not have had the best marriage, but we loved eachother. I can only hope you two have the kind of love we shared."

"Thank you." Was all Dean could manage at the moment. He wasn't much for showing emotion, from what his father knew, so he wasn't going to act anything but the tough man he raised. If he knew Elena had softened his heart, he'd feel the need to rough him up at bit. Working him hard. Like he used to. He raised them to be soldiers. Not sissies.

"I made breakfast!" Bonnie shouted with a smile. Dean rubbed his hands together.
"But did you make pie?"

Bonnie lifted an eyebrow and dropped the smile.
"If I had, I'd have thrown it at you by now."
John smiled. "Sassy. I like her." He said as Bonnie brought the food to the table.
"So, how are you feeling, Mr. Winchester?" Jeremy asked as they all drove into the bacon, eggs and pancakes. "Actually, I feel fine. I feel healthy, and I don't feel like a ghost or anything."

"You know... you're the second person we've met that has come back from the dead with no body to go to. I wonder what that's about." Jeremy said. But Elena interrupted. "Damon doesn't count. He wasn't in heaven."

"Damon huh. Will I get to meet this Damon?"

"No!" Sam, Dean and Elena all said at the same time, and John set down his fork mid bite.
"Is there something I should know guys?"

"Nope! Just Elena's crazy ex." Jeremy said and then went back to stuff his face.
Dean reached over and grabbed another pancake. "Elena can you pass the syrup please?"

"Sure honey." She said as she passed it. Dean smiled.

"So, Elena. How did you two meet?"

"Well, John... we actually met when he saved me. We didn't like eachother, and were constantly bickering with eachother. But in the end..."

"... in the end, we couldn't keep our hands off eachother." Dean finished for her, as John looked down at Elena's growing belly. "I can see that. Do you know what you're having yet?"

"No, we want to be suprised."

"No, she wants to be suprised. I don't like surprises." Dean said.

"Well, boys... I'm proud of you both. I've heard about all the things you two have done and it... well... good job boys."

"Thank you sir." Sam said with a smile. He wasn't the one always seeking his fathers approval, and they may have always butted heads, but he still loved his father and liked making him proud. At one time in his life, he wanted something else. A different life, but now... he's glad he is where he is.

"Sam, you don't have to call me sir. I'm your father, and while I'm here I want to be better to you two than I was before. I was too harsh. But now, I'm here to make up for it."

Elena smiled at John. She was glad he was here.

"Um, Dean? Can we speak for a moment. Alone." Cas came up to the table, beside Dean. "Ya. I'll be right back." Dean said as he kissed Elena on the cheek.

"What's up doc?"

"Dean, I'm not a doctor."

"Cas, it's from looney tunes. You know the bunny? Bugs?"

"There's a bunny, named bugs? Why did he call a doctor?"

"No Cas. It... never mind. What did you want."

"I'm going to have to take your father back eventually. You know that, right? He can't stay here. He doesn't belong here anymore."

"Ya ya Cas. I know. But can't you just... I don't know, stall?"

"You want me to stall the Angel's of Heaven. Dean are you serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Now why would you use that reference? That's a horrible choice of words. You could have simply said yes."

"Fine Cas. Yes. I want you to stall the..  Angel's of Heaven." He made quotations with his fingers around Angels of Heaven.

Cas put his face in his hands, and hung his head low. "Fine Dean. But when I can't anymore, be prepared. Ok? I'll try to buy you as much time as I can."

"Thanks Cas!" Dean said as he hugged him.

Dean and Cas walked back in, and Dean sat back down with Elena.

"Alright... where's the pie!"

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