Chapter 4

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"Dean! How could you just let her go out there! And alone!"

Dean just stood there. Unmoving.
His eyes were closed, and he just... felt unsure of everything now. The second Damon left, she broke down. She loved him once. What if Dean was just her rebound because Damon was dead? What if she stays with him, just because she feels like she has to. What if... what if she loves Damon more?

"Dude! Snap out of it! We need to go out there and check on her."

When Dean didn't move, Sam began running up the stairs. "She shouldn't be alone right now. No matter what she said. She doesn't really want to be alone. Don't you know anything about women?"

Still, Dean didn't move. He was lost in thought.

As Sam opened the front door, he looked back at Dean. "How are you acting any better than Damon right now."

And he slammed the door behind him.

Dean looked up to the door Sam just left through. Tightening his fists, he felt so much anger. So much rage. Growling under his breath, he went back to his room. Slamming the door behind him. You could almost see the anger radiating off of him. Stomping to his wall, he slammed his fist into his wall. Over and over and over again. Pulling it back more and more bloody each time. Kicking his table that had his TV on it. Getting to his  bed, he flips over the mattress. Breaking the box spring. He grabs a piece of wood from it, holding it like a bat, and in position to hit the end table, when he sees a picture of him and Elena sitting on top of it. From  last summer at the Journey concert. Sam had taken the picture. Dean and Elena were looking into eachother eyes and they were laughing at something funny Dean had just said. She was holding her hand against her mouth while she was laughing and the way Dean had his arm around her, she was leaning back from the laughter.

He held the picture in his hands, he loved her smile.  Then, he felt himself calm down. She usually did that to him. Just the thought of her calmed him. Sometimes. Right now, he needed to calm down before he burns this place to the ground. He was bad when his anger got away from him, but he would never hurt people he loved.

Sitting on what was left of the bed behind him, he put his face in his hands and tried to calm down. Holding the picture to his chest, he laid down and kept his eyes closed. "She is my heart. And I can't lose her, to someone who eats hearts. Drinks blood. And can shut off his humanity with a flick of his fingers. I won't."

Outside, Sam looks around the hill. Looking for any sign of where Elena went. "Elena!" Sam yelled. But he heard nothing back. He looked down at the ground, and saw tiny foot prints, going off in the direction in front of him. "Elena." He whispered to himself.

He began running in the direction that she left in.
"Elena! Elena! Where are you!" He looked in every direction as he ran. "Elena!" He yelled again, but it was no use. He was running at full speed but she was gone. Where could she have gone? She wouldn't have gone out this far. Not without me. Sam thought to himself. She knew the dangers. "Elena!!!"

Somewhere else... further away...

Was that Sam? She thought to herself, as she came to her senses, shaking her head, she felt hands holding her, and not very gently either. She could feel her hair dragging on the ground, and felt the pull every few seconds as they stepped on it. It's probably what woke her up. She began to open her eyes, but everything was blurry. Where was she? What was going on? The last thing she remembered was running back to the bunker. Something hit me. Hard, in the back of the head. Was I being kidnapped?

She looked around her, still blurry, to see a few people carrying her to a car. Or a truck maybe? She couldn't tell.

"What's going on. Who are you?" She said. Still groggy.

"How is she awake? You hit her hard enough to knock her out for hours."

She heard a man's voice say to someone.

"Here. Stuff this in her mouth."

As they put something in her mouth, she tried to spit it out, but she was too weak. Where is Sam? I remember hearing his voice. She began to get sleepy. It smelled like... chloroform?

As she drifted away, she could feel herself get dropped on the ground, hitting her body on something hard. She heard feet shuffling, and people screaming at eachother.

"Elena!" Was that Sam? She thought to herself, as she pushed for the strength to spit out the rag. "Sam." She tried to say. "Sam! I'm over here! Help me! Help..." she didn't get the last part out, because someone hit her again in the head, and everything went black.

"Let her go you son of a bitch!"
Sam yelled at the demon, as he came at them with a knife. And not just any knife... the knife. The demon killing knife. The demons charged at him, but he was ready. He was always ready. High kicking one demon out of the way, he ducked down to miss the one coming up from behind him to hit him. He huffed in a deep breath, as he turned around quickly and stabbed him. Causing the demon to scream as his eyes glowed and the body dropped dead. Turning back around he went to kick the next one, and was kicked first, before he could get any punches in. Then they hit the knife from his hand, knocked him down, and as one demon held him down, the other kicked him and yelled at the driver of the van.

"Go! Drive now! We will catch up!" Just as the van started and sped off.

"Elena! No!"

Sam screamed as he felt a surge of adrenaline hit him and he jumped up, knocking all the demons off of him in the process. Running to his knife and stabbing one after the other, two he got in the head and one he got in the stomache. Pulling the knife from his abdomen to his neck. Covering himself with their blood.

After killing the last one, he kicked him over to the ground, and then over and over, until his foot hurt.
He ran to the road where the van was, and nothing  was there but the dirt filling the air.

Elena was gone. Someone took her. What now? He pulled out his phone from his pocket, hoping it wasn't broken during the fight, and dialed the first person on his speed dial. Praying he would answer. And he did.

"Dean. We have a problem."

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