Chapter 3

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Elena was stuck in place, in shock. She looked over to Dean, then back over to Damon. Damon just smiled, his beautiful pearly whites just sparkling in sync with his eyes. Raising his eyebrow like he always did, and it used to drive her crazy. But it didn't now.

"What the... I mean... why... how?"

Damon, becoming unglued from his spot ran to her. Grabbing her and pulling her into his arms. Elena was still in a shock. She just stood there, with her arms still down at her sides, and her eyes wide. How is he here now? What on earth made him think he could just show up and mess up her perfect life? They both wanted her to have a normal, human life, with a normal, human man that she could grow old with. Have kids with. She became angry, and shoved him away. Harder than usual because she was still wearing her ring that Bonnie made her. She never took it off.


"What the fuck Damon? Why are you here? What do you want?"

Damon lost the sparkle in his eyes, and became sad...

"I needed to see you. I went through alot to get back here to you. I... I need to talk to you. Can we please, just... talk? Somewhere private?"

She narrowed her eyes at him, and slowly walked over to Dean. Standing behind him, and placing her hands on his shoulders and straightening her back. Dean put his hand on his shoulder, over her hands and began to have a grin from ear to ear.

"Damon, you can't just show up here like this. I have a new life. One that... one that doesn't include you anymore. I'm sorry."

Dean then stood up, standing right in front of Elena. Becoming more confident. Which he didn't usually need, but Elena made him feel weak at times. He wasn't sure what he would do if she left him. Probably make his first hunting trip to Mystic Falls...

"Damon, I'd like to thank you for coming to visit but I think it's time you leave. Elena clearly doesn't want you here, and I'd hate to get blood all over mine and Elena's new rugs."

"Dean!" Sam yelled. But he didn't get in the middle of this. He knew his brother. He knew Dean could handle this.

Damon looked over to Dean, a hunger in his eyes. He could feel the urge. The need. In that moment, he wanted to kill Dean and tear him apart. He wanted to be a ripper and tear his head from his body. He wanted to know what his blood tastes like as he killed him, but he knew better of it. He walked up to Dean, standing nose to nose with him. Well, not nose to nose exactly since Dean was taller than Damon.

"I'm not going anywhere. I know Elena. Better than you ever will. And you know someone who knows her just as well? Stefan."

Just then, Stefan walked out of the shadows. Placing his hands on Damon's shoulder.

"Stefan? You're here too? What the hell! Does that mean Caroline is here too?"

"Damon, let's just go. Give her time to... digest everything. She never expected to see you again. She clearly moved on. I tried telling you that."

Dean spoke up. "And yet, here you are, to ruin her life again. Can't you see she is happy? She is safer than she ever was with you!"

"Oh, is she? Is she really?"
Damon interrupted.
"You hunt Demons, vampires, ghosts... supernatural things that could kill her, or use her as bait to get to you. At least when she was with us, we were strong enough to protect her!"

Dean growled beneath his breath. Damon's eyes began to turn red and veins protruded from beneath them. He was about to strike. Until Elena got between them. Shoving them in different directions.

"I'm not scared of you." Dean said in a chuckle, while shaking his head. Straightening his shirt. He just smiled back at Damon. Giving him his normal smart ass grin.

"Stop it! Both of you! Damon, I was never safe with you. Or Stefan. I loved you both, so much that it consumed me. I was dangerous. And I never knew when you'd shut off your humanity and try to kill me. Do either of you remember that? Do you remember when I died? Because I got mixed up with you both in your drama? Rebekah tried to kill me because of you! If I had never met you, Katherine would never have found me and Klaus would never have found me and used me in his sacrificial ritual for his hybrid side. Klaus' mother would never have asked for my blood to make Ric another Original, tying his life to mine and then causing Rebekah to kill me so she could kill him. Both of you have tried to kill Jeremy, Damon has actually killed him! Dean would Never let that happen to me. Ever. Stefan, I know you had good intentions bringing him here, but this isn't like the last time he died. Last time he died, it broke me. This time... I made a new life for myself. With... someone I love. Someone I can grow old with. I love Dean, Damon. You need to accept that."

Damon looked down at his feet. Seemingly defeated. Broken inside.

"I won't give up on you Elena. On... us. I love you. And I always will. I know you feel it too."

He said as he grabbed Stefan's arm and Damon shoved Dean's arm as he walked by and out of the bunker. Bonnie came to Elena and gave her a big hug.

"It's good to see you, Elena. I wish it were under better circumstances. I'll see ya?"

Elena hugged her, holding back the tears that began to sting her eyes.

"Sure. Ya." She lied. Now that Damon was back, she probably wouldn't see any of them again.

Letting go of Bonnie was hard. But they needed to leave, before things around there got bad.

Bonnie smiled at her, then turned around and left. Elena grabbed her face. Her eyes wide.

"What the hell just happened!" She looked at the floor and began pacing. Then breathing hard, beginning to have a panic attack.

"I don't... What... I don't understand what just happened!"

Dean ran to her, trying to calm her down. He put his arms around her waist, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and began crying. Her breathing became labored and she started to cry harder.

"Elena. Calm down. What can I do?"

She shook her head back and forth. Crying into his shoulder.

"I need air."

She said, as she pulled back and ran up the stairs peeking out the door, making sure they were all gone. She opened the door, and closed it behind her. Wiping her hands on her legs and leaning back on the door. She looks up at the sky, asking God why he would let this happen. Why is this happening to her? She closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Trying to calm down. When she opened her eyes, everything was blurry, and her pulse was racing. The only thing that was clear, was the path in front of her. The same path her and Sam run every morning. Slowly, she moved away from the door... and took off.

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