Chapter 21

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The next morning, Elena rolled over into Dean's outstretched arms. He wrapped them around her and pulled her closer to him. They fit together perfectly. Like a puzzle, each crevice and angle, slid perfectly into place, like they had been glued together. Their bodies had become in sync with eachother. They were molded by God, for eachother.

Without breaking his hold on her, she tilted her head toward him.

"Dean, I got a phone call a few days ago. It was Bonnie."

Dean let go of her for a moment, long enough to roll onto his elbow, and then bring her back to him, to hold her more. He couldn't keep his hands off of her. "What did she say?"

"Well, Bonnie said she needs me there. She won't tell me why, and I have a feeling, she knows if she did tell me, that I wouldn't want to go."

Elena closed her eyes, not knowing what to do. She just took deep breaths, thinking and thinking.

"Well... what do you want to do?"

Elena laid her head back against the pillows, as her hands fell across her face in frustration.

"I don't know. But I told her I'd be there as soon as this case was over. Do you think it's over?"

"Ya babe. It's over. We can go if you want, but we need to stay out of sight. No one can know we are coming. He, can't know you're alive. Everything will turn bad if he does. I can't lose you, and we need to protect our child. So, where ever you go, I go. And of it helps... wherever I go, Sam goes. So... there's that!"

Elena smiled, and laid herself in his arms and he held her gently. Rubbing her arms as he clutched her to him.

Closing his eyes, they fell back asleep. Until they heard a knock on the door.

"Elena? Shouldn't we hit the road so we aren't there too late?"

Elena rubbed her eyes. "Ya ya. I'm coming."
She started shaking Dean to wake him. "I'm up, I'm up!"

They got up, and packed all their bags. Elena ran to the bathroom, having a hard time deciding what to wear.

"Elena! Just pick something!"

"I can't just PICK SOMETHING! I haven't seen my brother in over a year! I need to look good."

Dean walked up to her, and grabbed her. Feeling her body just relax from his touch. "You always look amazing. No matter what you wear."

"You just want me to hurry. Don't you."

"Yes I do. I'm starving!"

"Fine! I'll just wear what I'm wearing. It should be fine. I'll even throw on some heels."

Dean wiggled his eyebrows at her and winked in her direction.

"Dean, is something in your eye? Do you need medication?"
His face went back in a suprised stare, as Elena giggled.

"What? No! I was... oh never mind. Let's just go."

He said as he waved them out of the room, and toward the car.

4 hours later.

"Hey Bonnie? We are almost there. You didn't tell anyone we were coming. Right? You know the risks."

"Of course not Elena. I would never do that. Only Stefan and Caroline, and they are trustworthy. You know that. We have a dinner ready and everything! So hurry up and get here already. You remember how to get here. Right?"

Elena laughed. "Ya, I'm pretty sure."

After she hung up, she began taking deep breaths. She held Dean's hand tightly, and closed her eyes. She hadn't seen her old home in years. Not since she burnt it down all those years ago.

"You ready Elena? We are almost there."

She looked out her window at all of the familiar houses of the neighborhood. The Baker's down the road that over decorate for Christmas every year, from blinding lights all over their home, to a real sleigh on their roof and a loud speaker playing Christmas songs on a loop. They even rented reindeer on Christmas for the neighborhood kids to come pet.

The little drug store down the road that she used to walk to and get Candy all the time. Pulling up to the house, she looked and sucked in a deep breath. Bonnie had told them to come in the back, so they could go in through the garage. Then no one would see the car either, but they had to pass the front of the house first. She could see the porch swing. It was newer and upgraded since they rebuilt the home, and she still remembers the squeak it made when it would swing.

After pulling in, Bonnie came running out to see her, with Jeremy right behind her. Elena wiped her eyes from all the nostalgia. She could get through this. She was strong. She had been through so much. She could do this. She would do this.

She squeezed Dean's hand, and got out of the car to run up and hug Bonnie. It hadn't been too long since she had seen her, but any time without her is too long. Jeremy was next in line for a hug. She missed his hugs. He had always been such a sweet brother growing up. She was glad to see that he hadn't outgrown that.

"I missed you Elena."

"I missed you too."

"Hey, why don't we give you a tour of the house? Elena, you go ahead. You remember where everything is. So, you three go ahead."

Elena smiled.

"Well, come on boys, this way. This is the kitchen." She looked at the cabinets as her fingers slid over the handles, remembering Aunt Jenna. She was always trying to cook. And the counter, where her father John had his fingers chopped off. "This is the living room." She said, as she walked over to the fireplace. Touching the place where the matches were before. Standing in the same spot when she shut off her humanity, and lit the house on fire, before walking out and not turning back.

"These are the stairs, that lead upstairs." She said as she rounded the bottom of them.

"That's usually where they lead to." Dean said, as he smiled.

She had her hand, sliding it up the rails. Remembering all the times she came running down them when her father would come home from work. When she was a little girl still in pig tails. She'd run down the stairs and up into his arms.

Getting up the stairs was the easy part. She made it to her room, and pointed to the right, without looking. "That was my parents room."
She continued walking to her room and held the handle in place for a moment. Not sure if she wanted to open it. So many memories in that room. She exhaled and pushed open the door.

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