Chapter 30

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All at once, the house began to shake, and the lights that hadn't worked in years began to flicker.

Jeremy ran to the wall as well as Dean, to balance them selves. "Follow me!" Dean yelled to Jeremy as they left the room and attempted to go down the stairs. It was difficult, but they made it. They ran to find Sam, who was currently lifting up floor boards in the room Dean assumed was once the operating room.

"You building a fort Sam?"

"I think I see dried up, old blood under here. Help me lift it up!"

Sam, Dean and Jeremy began lifting all the boards in the room, until they saw the dirt that was under the floorboards. Sam saw something he didn't expect.

Human remains. Bones of people. Mostly small bones. Like that of a child. Or children. 

"Well, now we know why they are here still."

Sam jumped down and began pulling all the bones out, until he had them all on the top of the dirt. As the house began to shake, Dean and Jeremy jumped onto the dirt with Sam. They salted the bones, and Sam was suddey lifted out of the hole they had made, to look into the face of an older man in a doctors coat. His face had been peeling. As Sam was thrown, and the man was reaching for Jeremy, he threw the lighter on the bones and the man was immediately covered in flames. Disappearing into the dark of the night surrounding them.

Sam crawled to the hole, to help out Dean and Jeremy.

As they got out, they heard a noise at the top of the stairs. It sounded like a little girl laughing, and she ran down the stairs. Looking up at Jeremy.

"Thank you. For saving me and setting me free."
This beautiful little curly brown haired girl, looked up to him with a smile as she cradled her baby doll to her chest.

"You're my hero."
Jeremy just smiles back. Not really knowing what to say. He'd never seen a ghost before. He knelt down to her.

"You're welcome. Now you're free."

They watched, as she looked back up the stairs.

"I see my mommy and daddy! They are waiting for me. I have to go."

She said as she ran to the stairs. But not before turning around to the 3 of them.

"Thank you. All of you."

And as she ran up the stairs, she disappeared before ever reaching the top.

"Well, that was..."
Jeremy started.

"Awesome! It was awesome! Who's ready for a few beers and some pie!"
Dean said as he raised his hand.

They all left, heading to the nearby bar, and sat down. Jeremy was the happiest of all. "So, this is what you guys do when you work together huh. Man, I wish I had brothers."

"Maybe one day you will."

"Um, I doubt it. My parents are dead. Remember?"

"That's not what I mean Jeremy. I meant..." Dean said as he tried to find the right words.

"I mean, since your parents aren't here, I can't exactly ask them."

"Ask them what, Dean?"

"I want to ask your permission to ask Elena to marry me."

Dean finally said. As Jeremy looked like he was contemplating his answer.
Dean eyed him, like a deer in the headlights, which made Jeremy look nervous.

"Dean, you're the best thing that has ever happened to her. I'd love it if you married her. But what of she says no?"

"Oh God. I didn't think about that!" Dean was suddenly tense and uneasy.

"Dean. Dude. I'm kidding. I know she'll say yes. God. Don't worry so much."
Jeremy said as he patted Dean on the back. "Welcome to my dysfunctional family man."

Dean smiled. "You think your family is dysfunctional. Ha! You haven't even heard all the stories."

They laughed and drank a while longer, before sobering up, and heading back home to the girls.

Upon entering, Dean saw that Elena had been up dancing and they had been watching movies and eating chocolate. Bonnie must have made her pudding or cake. Cause there was a quarter of something that looked like a cake on the table, while they were both asleep on the couches.

"What the... that's not a cake. That's my PIE! Elena!"

She jumped, suddenly startled awake.

"What the hell Dean! I was sleeping!"

"Ya! After eating my pie!"

"Oh my God. Seruously?"
She said, as she threw a pillow at him. "Get over it. And sleep on the couch if your gonna flip out about that. Our baby craved chocolate and that was the only thing here. We'd have had to leave to get something else."

Dean began to feel a little guilty. "I'm sorry honey." As he went to hug her, and he held her a few moments. "You're forgiven honey." He said to her. And she looked up at him like he was crazy, and stormed off to the room. Slamming it behind her.

Dean tried to follow her, but he barely touched the handle and heard "Don't even think about it." And he quickly let go.

Eventually, Elena let Dean in the room. She couldn't sleep without him, and he admitted he over reacted. She forgave him, and they cuddled all night.

The next few weeks went by like a blur. Elena still didn't leave the house. She was so close to her due date that she wanted to make sure she was safe too. Dean had his fun that night, and decided he could wait til she gave birth to go back to the hunting.

Dean had been leaving off and on, not telling Elena where he was going. She knew he wasn't the cheating type, but she still felt uneasy.

"Dean, what's going on?"

She asked him as he sat at the table going over his notes on Sam's latest hunt.

"I'm just helping Sam with some stuff. That's all."

"You're lying. What's going on?"

Dean contemplated.

"Jeremy and Bonnie are coming tonight for dinner. I'll tell you tonight. Ok?"

She gave him an evil eye.

"Fine. But you better tell me tonight."

He smiled. "You got it babe."

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