Chapter 5

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"Sam?" Dean asked himself, as he looked at his phone. Why is he calling. He reached for his phone, "What's up. Did you calm Elena down? Why aren't you back yet?"

Sam kept trying to interrupt Dean, but Dean just kept asking questions. "Is she mad at me?"

"Dean! Shut up! She's gone. Demons took her. I tried to fight them off but I wasn't enough. There were too many of them man. I'm sorry."

"Where are you." Dean said, standing up and grabbing all the guns he had that he could fit on his body, and his car keys.
"Just go out the drive, and turn right. I'll be down the road. And Dean..."


"Bring the colt."

Dean hung up the phone and clenched his fists.

"They're dead. All of them."

Running from his room out to the garage to get in his baby. He slammed on the gas, spitting rocks all over the garage, and got out to Sam in no time.

"That way!" Sam said, pointing to the road in front of them. Dean was pushing the pedal so far, it wouldn't go down any further. The car wouldn't go any faster either. Good thing they were on country roads, they were rarely traveled by anyone or he'd have hit someone.

"It's been a few minutes. I doubt we'll catch them. I don't even know what they were Dean. But they wanted her. Maybe to use as bait? But why her? Dean, we... we have to find her."

Dean gripped the steering wheel so tightly, Sam thought it would break off.

"I'm on it Sam."

Suddenly, Dean began hitting the steering wheel. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! I never should have let her leave like that!"

"Dean, calm down. You were both in a shock. And I never should have said what I did. You are nothing like Damon. We'll find her."

As Sam and Dean drove off down the road, something was lurking in the shadows. Something they didn't kill. Something they didn't see. Grabbing his phone, he dialed. "Boss. We got the girl. But those nasty Winchesters are going to catch them quick."

"Well what were you doing when they were leaving. Hiding? As usual! Bullocks! You're not good for anything anymore." On the other end of the line, Crowley snapped his fingers and the demon disappeared. Poof!

"Good for nothing." He said in his thick Scottish accent. Placing down his phone, he made a call to the driver.

"Boss! I have her."

"How far are you?"

"I'm nearly there boss."

"Good. Cause they are right behind you. I suggest you speed up. You wouldn't want to make me angry."

"Yes boss."

After a few more minutes of driving, the demon made it to his destination. Crowley was standing just outside. Waiting for his delivery.

As he pulled up, the gates closed behind him.

The demon got out of the van, and looked excited to have completed his mission.

"Where is everyone else?"

Crowley asked. Looking around.

"Ya. About that. They're all dead. I assume, since they stayed back to keep Sam Winchester at bay so I could get away."

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