Chapter 14

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Elena looked at Dean for a moment, with pleading eyes. "I'll be right back. Ok?" He didn't like what she was about to do, but he knew he couldn't stop her. "Sam! Wait! I'll show him it's fine." She began walking fine, as though she wasn't in any pain. But Dean and Sam knew she was. She was just putting on a good show for them so they wouldn't worry so much.

"Elena, are you sure? What..." but he didn't get to finish. Elena cut him off.

"I'll be fine. Just go. I won't be long. I promise."

Sam nodded, and went back to where everyone was.

"Ok, follow me Damon."

For a few moments, they walked in silence. Neither of them speaking. However, they both felt like there was so much to say. Especially now that they were alone, and away from prying eyes.
When they finally got to the car, Damon looked at her, and smiled, cupping her cheek. She pushed away his hand.

"Damon, you can't do that. I'm with Dean. I need you to accept that."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you'll be miserable forever."

"Or I won't, cause I'll have you." He winked at her.

"Damon, you never really wanted to be a human. I did. Now I am, and I have everything I ever dreamed of having! And I get to be a mom! I always wanted that. You know that."


"No but's, Damon. Please, I hurt so bad for you when you died, I could barely breathe. Then I met Dean. He turned my whole world around. He made me whole again. When I was broken, he put me back together again. I love him. Ok? Like I said, you never wanted to be human. And now I don't have the cure anyways. I almost died so Sam could take it. So you couldn't give me that now anyways."

"So, Sam has it?"

"Yes. So, I'm safe. Everyone thinks I'm dead. Go live your life. Be happy."

Behind them, Damon could hear foot steps. He could smell the scent of someone. He knew it was Dean. Coming to check on them?

"Elena..." he said, right before he pulled her close and kissed her. He didn't even give her a chance to react or think about it. He just crashed his lips on hers. She remembered those lips, so soft... but it just wasn't the same anymore. She shoved him hard, and slapped him. Even though it had no effect on him.

Dean started to move, but stopped when he heard Elena talk. He wanted to hear what she had to say about it. He was glad she didn't kiss him back, but now what?

"Damon! How dare you! I told you I love Dean! I don't love you anymore! You're reckless and selfish and care about no one! I can't believe you think I would kiss you! Get out Damon. Get out! I never want to see you ever again!" And with that, she threw his keys at him and stormed off out of the garage. Pushing the door opener on her way out.

Dean hid on the side of his Impala, so she didn't see him when she left. He didn't want her to know that he was listening. He knew she would tell him later.

Damon opened the door to his car, and threw his bag to the other side. Closing his eyes before he got in, because as soon as he opened the door, the smell of Elena wafted his senses. It reminded him of lazy sundays, staying in bed, and her hair, fresh out of the shower. His chest hurt. He was feeling more pain than he had ever felt, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. Damon just sat back in his seat, and tried to calm down for a second before the long drive he had ahead of him.

"Hey there Dean... I was wondering when you were going to stop lurking in he shadows. You enjoy the show?" He said as he turned his head slightly so he could see him. Dean came up to the car, leaning over the door.

"You can't have her."

"And what if she wants me?"

"It didn't look like that a few minutes ago."

"Ya, well she is just being stubborn. Or maybe she is just staying with you now because of the baby." Damon smiled.

"Look, Damon... I don't want you leaving on bad terms."

"A little late for that, don't you think?" Damon said as he stood up and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him as he went. "I know Elena, and I know she would want to come back with me. If she wasn't pregnant. That's the only reason she is staying. You know that. Don't you?"

"You son of a bitch!" Dean said as he swung at Damon. But Damon was faster. Grabbing his arm, and holding it tight, slowly twisting it til it bent too far. Causing Dean to yell. "Music to my ears." Damon said. "And ya. My mom was a bitch. She kinda killed me. How about your mom? She a bitch too?"

Dean stayed still for a moment. Unsure of how to deal with this. Damon was stronger but he had to have a weakness. He just needed to find it. Exploit it.

"I'm not even really sure why, but I just... really want to kill you right now. But then Elena will hate me."

"You honestly think she wasn't thinking that about you the first time you fucked up? And the second time and the third? And... well, let's face it. You're just good at fucking up everything good you have. Elena realized she gave up the good brother and then, realized she was stuck with you. She couldn't go back to Stefan. She settled. Cause she didn't have a choice. You will always be second best to Stefan. Me too now." He laughed while holding his wrist. "So I guess that makes you third best? If your the best at all." He laughed again.

Dean got up and began to back away from Damon. Who was now slowly, stalking toward Dean. But Dean was always prepared for this type of thing. Suddenly, he watched as Damon moved with such lightening speed, that he was behind Dean. Shoving him to the ground.

"You know you're no match for me. Right?" Damon said as he laughed. He grabbed Dean's face, and squeezed it, then kicked him over.
Walking away slowly.

Dean just stood back up, wiping the blood with the back of his hand, from his face as it slowly dripped into his eyes. He  held a knife backwards in his hand by the handle. It made it easier to punch that way. With his fighting stance. Slowly, he turned in tune with Damon. Waiting for Damon to make another move. Damon swung on Dean, and even though he had super speed, Dean still was able to move and not get hit. But the second hit, was right in his rib cage.

Damon couldn't help but to smile, as Dean went flying through the garage, and slamming against the wall. Hitting his body hard before he slid to the ground. Damon began to charge him. He ran toward the wall Dean was on, and began punching him but he only got in one punch, because Stefan was right there, shoving him off of Dean and away from him.

"Damon! Stop!" Damon didn't want to stop. He kept pushing by Stefan to get back to Dean, but Stefan blocked him, and stood his ground. "Damon, no. Just get in your car and go home! Now!" Again, Damon didn't listen. He then walked up to Stefan, seeming calm and collected... and quickly snapped his neck. "Now who will be your body guard? Huh? Stefan is out for the count. And he'll be out a while. By the time he wakes up, you'll be in pieces all over the floor."

Damon went to charge at Dean again, when Elena jumped in front of him. Placing both of her hands on his chest. "Damon! Get out! I won't be with you! Look what you do when you get your feeling hurt? You lash out! You always lash out! I used to just get over it, but I don't have to look past it anymore. It's wrong. You and I are wrong. It will never happen again. Do you understand Damon? WE will never happen again."

Damon took one last look over at Dean, leaning against the wall as he tried to stand up, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, and when he opened them... his eyes seemed darker. More empty, dull. You couldn't even see him in there anymore. He just turned around, got into his car and left.

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