Chapter 22

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She was not crying like she thought she would. She pointed to where Dean could put his things, and asked Bonnie to show Sam where his room was.

Her room wasn't the same color, it was a light shade of lilac, and white trim. But the window seat was still there. With a Queen size bed, and matching headboard to her dresser and side tables. It was just beautiful.

Dean came up behind her, and held her close. She closed her eyes and just breathed him in.

"You ok? I'm sure this is alot for you."

"I'm better now that you're holding me. Can we just stay right here like this for a while?"

Dean smiled into her neck, as he kissed it.

"Whatever you need babe."

Before long, Bonnie came up to check on them.

She opened the door, since it was only cracked a little, to see them in a tight embrace.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you dinner is ready."

"Thanks Bonnie. We will be down in a minute. Will you let Sam know?"

"He already knows. He's been downstairs for a while now."

"Oh. Ok. We are on our way."

Elena turned and looked up into Dean's green eyes, and kissed his lips.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

"Nope. Not at all. Enlighten me."

Was all he said and she kissed him again.

"Oh, I remember now. You know something else I remember? You never did wear that suit for me. You'll have to do that later." She pushed out of the hug and slapped his shoulder.
"Was it something I said?"
She just walked away giggling and shaking her hips.

Getting to the dining room, their table was huge. They had made a few modifications of the original blue prints to the house, to make the most used rooms a little bigger, especially the kitchen. Because Bonnie loves to cook. Which works out well, since Jeremy loves to eat.

They all sat down and ate, reminiscing about Bonnie, Caroline and Elena growing up together.

Elena couldn't remember the last time she had laughed this hard.

"...and then milk shot out my nose? It was awful! I had to go see Elena's dad to make sure nothing was still up there! Gosh, how old was I when that happened?" Bonnie tilted her head, deep in her thoughts.

"You were like 5? I think?" Caroline said. "And you remember how Jeremy used to follow you all around when he was little?"

"Shut up Caroline, I did not. I just didn't like being alone. I... ok fine. I was. I always had a crush on Bonnie. That's how I know that I loved her first. Because I loved her before she even realized I had grown up." Jeremy looked over at Bonnie and they both looked deep into each others eyes.

"Such a tender moment. Can I barf now?" Elena said, as they all laughed remembering the first time Jeremy saw her kiss a boy and said that to her.

"I was like 5 or 6 years old. It was gross. And the thought of my sister kissing boys STILL makes me want to barf. Thank you very much! No offence Dean."

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