Chapter 26

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Elena was in somewhat of a daze, as she felt a cold hardness against her cheek. Is that metal? She thought to herself. She felt something warm dripping off of her forehead, and everything was blurry. She went to move, but she couldn't. She tried moving her hands, but her wrists... they were tied behind her.

"What the... Dean? Dean! Where are you!"

She immediately tried to look down at the small bump on her abdomen, that was showing as of a few weeks ago, but she couldn't see it through the haze. Suddenly, she heard foot steps. Everytime she tried to look around, she felt as though the entire world was moving too fast around her. Her head was just spinning, not just metaphorically speaking either. Her mind too. Where was she? What happened? Who was that? She didn't remember anything. Then she felt her stomach hurt, not quite a hunger pain, more like she was about to puke.

"I think I'm gonna throw up. Can someone bring me something? Please?"

Nothing. Just the foot steps around her.

"Help! Can anyone hear me!"

She couldn't hold it. She began retching her insides all over the ground beside her. Her arms wrapped behind the pole, were the only things keeping her sitting up right now. She felt like she was dangling off of it, and she couldn't even wipe her mouth. She just felt disgusting. But that was the least of her worries. She was in so much pain everywhere.

"Elena!" He said, as he was more angry than he was before. He tried over and over to untie the ropes from behind him, but it was no use. "Oh my God, Elena! Are you breathing? Please tell me you're breathing! And you're bleeding all over! Are you ok?"

"Dean? Is that you? Where are you!"

He sounded close by, but with her being so light headed, she couldn't tell.

"I'm right across from you. About five feet to be exact. Have you felt the baby move at all?"

"No, Dean. I'm scared. I don't know what's happening!"

"Well, don't freak out, but it's Damon. He ran into us, and you're bleeding from your head. It looks pretty bad. You may have a concussion. We need to get you to a hospital. Now."

"Damon isn't going to care, he'll never let us go. Damn it!"

"Elena, I'll get us out of here. Ok? I promise."

"You really shouldn't make promises you can't keep." Elena heard, and then a crack sounded. Like a punch into something.


"Oh no. Poor Dean!"

Damon sneered.

"Look here, princess... your boy here will be very dead here soon. So, I wouldn't get your Hope's up on getting out of here any time soon."

"Damon! Why are you doing this?"

She heard his feet move from the right of her, to the left of her.

"Dean? Dean!" She screamed.

"Dean! Dean!" Damon mocked her. "He can't hear you princess. He's... sleeping." Damon laughed, then he leaned over and whispered in her ear. "And to answer your question, I don't really have a reason. I just am. Because it's fun."

She could hear him get up and walk away. You could hear the moisture under his shoes when he lifted his feet off the ground. Oh God, is that blood? Dean's blood? Mine? What if someone else is here! So many thoughts were in her mind, but with every new one, her head would pound. Until finally, things began to get a little more clear. Almost like someone turned on a light in a dark room. Things slowly came into focus, and she could see Dean across from her. His head was dangling in front of him, and he was tied to a pole directly opposite her. You could see the blood dripping from somewhere on his face, but since he was looking down, she couldn't figure it out.

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