Chapter 19

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Elena and Sam drove back to the diner, to work on some things. As they sat down, the waitress came over and asked for their order. Elena looked around to see what everyone else was eating.

"What's the special today?" Sam asked her.

"Well, I'm glad you asked! Double cheese burgers, and a slice of pie! Your choice of pie of course."

Elena noticed all these people were the same ones from the other day, and they were sitting in the exact same places they were last time.

"Excuse me, miss? Can I ask you a question?"

The waitress stopped and looked over at her.

"Well yes. Of course!"

"Have you noticed anything weird, or unusual going on around here recently?"

The waitress looked around, and looked back at Elena and shook her head.

"No, can't think of anything. Why, is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering. I've just never been to such a small town before. It all just seems so cozy. Have you heard about the missing women?"

"Oh yes. Poor things, they all used to come here and eat everyday. I'm just sick to my stomache at the thought of them girls bein' missin and whatnot. Have you decided what you want yet?"

Sam got ready to say something and Elena shushed him.

"We are going to need another minute. Thanks."

"Of course! Just wave me over when you're ready! I'll be watchin for ya."

Elena leaned in to whisper to Sam.

Something is wrong here. She is acting weird too."

"What do you mean? Everything seems..." He took a second to look around, and suddenly, everyone was looking right at them. Every. Single. Person. In the diner. Sam moved his enormous eyes to Elena's scared ones. Sam leaned over to whisper to her.

"Elena, do you have your gun?"

She nodded.

"Good. You're gonna need it. Now listen to me. Very closely, and when I tell you to run, you go straight to the car, and don't wait for me. I can handle myself. Ok?"

She nodded her head, closing her eyes she drew in a deep breath.

"We need to slowly get up, and try to back out of here. Ok? Now. Keep your hand ready to grab your gun at any time. Do you understand?"

He wasn't looking at her right then, but scanning the room. Judging the mess they were about to get in.

"I understand Sam. I have your back."

Sam casually stood up, then Elena did the same. At the same time, every person in the diner stood up so fast, their chairs fell behind them. Flipping to the floor. All keeping eye contact with Sam and Elena.

"Elena, these people could just be possessed. Don't shoot to kill unless you have to. Ok?"

"Got it."

Sam quickly maneuvered Elena behind him, as he held his arms in the air.

"We don't want any trouble." 

The waitress that had been serving them, moved in front of them.

"Neither do we. So you just take yourself, and that lady and get out of our town. We don't need you here. Don't want your kind here."

Sam lowered his hands.

"What are you?"
Sam looked behind him at Elena, shaking his head at her question.

"Well, right now... we're the ones that'll be killin ya... boys? Get 'em!"

She yelled, as she stood still. Sam pulled out his shot gun from his holster on his back, and started taking them down. One by one. Elena watched, as if everything was in slow motion. She saw Sam yell, as he pulled the trigger, she could see the fire being released through the end of the barrel as the gun powder was ignited and it slowly moved into the head of the person to his left, then the one to his right.

He holds it up quickly, holding the fore-end, as he quickly puts new shells in, and then, only holding the fore-end, he shakes it up and down to reload it and he was back in action. It was so fast you almost wouldn't have seen it if you blinked. He really is a pro. He gritted his teeth as he took down more. Two down, four down, six down, eight down, and he was out of shells again. Time to reload again but they were too close. He looked back at Elena as he loaded the shot gun. They were being surrounded. More were coming in through the kitchen and the back. There were atleast another Twenty of them and Sam was almost out of shells.

"Elena, run!" She jumped up to move just as she saw one run up to Sam and they had him on the ground.

She grabbed her gun from her boot and began aiming, taking as many head shots as she could taking down all the ones that were on Sam. When she got most of them, she ran out of ammo, and moved her hands over her sides to feel for her other mag, and remembered it was in her purse and her purse was in the booth they were sitting in. They began coming at her from the left and the right.

"Elena!" She heard Sam yell but it was like her adrenaline took over. Just as the two came at her, she ducked and then punched one in the balls and kicked the other in the stomach as she stood back up. Causing them both to fall to the ground. She grabbed a wooden chair from beside her, raising it above her head, she broke it over the head of a man. It didn't seem to do anything. So she took the sharp part of the leg and clutching it hard drove it deep into his neck, pulling it out quickly and stabbing him in the heart. Causing him to fall to the ground hard.

She got to Sam, helping him up then ran toward her purse as another came at her. She could hear Sam shooting his pistol behind her, in the opposite direction and she was out of bullets so she knelt down, and then jumped up, spinning into a sideways kick, connecting her foot to the side of his face making him slam against the wall and he was out of her way but he was still moving so she grabbed the chair leg again and stabbed him over and over. Covering herself with his blood. She looked over and saw her purse, and grabbed it. Pulling out three more mags and unloaded each of them all in the heads of what remained of the things in the diner. Leaving Sam in the middle of the dead looking over at her with a shocked look on his face.

"I thought I told you to run?"

"A simple thank you would suffice."

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