Chapter 18

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Dean was pacing when Sam and Elena arrived. Rubbing his chin with his hand, he stopped and placed his hand on his hips.

"Let's get a case she said. It will be fun she said."

Dean seemed frustrated.

"I never said it would be fun."

"This town is crazy! I wanna go home!" Dean stomped like a child, then went over to sit roughly on the bed, crossing his arms. Then he stood up again. "One guy pointed into the woods, and I thought I saw something too! It was so funny looking Sam! It did look like big foot!"

Sam and Elena looked at eachother.

"Dean, are you feeling ok?" Sam looked at Dean, and noticed he was sweating. "Do you have yellow fever again?"

"What! No, I just... I..."

"Dean? What's wrong?"
Elena came up to him, and rubbed his shoulder, and he moved her arm away from him.

"Don't touch me!" He turned around quickly.      "Oh God Elena, I'm so sorry!" He covered his face. "I don't know what's wrong with me!"

"Elena, go sit down. Ok? I'm not sure what's going on, but this doesn't look good. Give us a few minutes. Ok?"

Elena nodded.

Sam tried to get Dean to sit down, but Dean refused. He was determined to stay on his feet.

"Dean. I'm going to look into this further. You just stay here. Ok?"

Dean nodded and Sam walked over to Elena.

"Elena, I'm not sure what's going on here, but Dean isn't himself. I need to look into this. I'll be back. Ok? I don't know how stable Dean is, so just... stay here. Ok?"

He pointed to the bed, and he went to his computer. Typing away.

For 2 hours, all Elena did was look at Dean, as he sat on the other bed. Rocking himself back and forth. Worried so much but she didn't know what to do. She rubbed her belly a bit, closing her eyes she took deep breaths, thinking I shouldn't be here. I should be at home. This isn't good for the baby. Maybe I'll sit the rest out. I just don't know what to do! I don't want to leave Dean here, but Sam always has his back.

"Elena! I found something!"

Dean turned toward Sam. Biting his nails almost all the way off.

"Elena, come here please."

She did as he said, sliding off the bed, and slowly went over to him.

"Elena, you ok?"

"Ya, I'm fine. Just... Maybe I should sit the rest of these out. I don't think any of these are good for the baby. That's all. It can be dangerous."

"I know Dean would agree."

She nodded, and went to his screen to see what he found.

"So, apparently, the gas company around here had a leak a few days ago. About the same time all of this started happening. They said they smelled gas, and anyone that was near it, they put in quarantine."

"Do you think it was an actual gas leak?"

"I'm starting to think not. There is something around here. In something that infected these people."

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