Chapter 29

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Days went by, and they turned in to weeks. Weeks turned into months. Eventually,
Elena was beyond showing, so Bonnie and Jeremy visited often. To see her and to help.

They would stay a few weeks, and Jeremy would go hunting with Sam since Dean was taking time off to spend with Elena. Jeremy enjoyed it since he had so much training he could take on just about everything. He loved learning about all of the new types of monsters he never knew about.

He didn't get to hunt anything anymore, being in Mystic Falls. Nothing happened much there anymore since Klaus and his family moved to New Orleans. When Jeremy wasn't available, Cas would go with Sam but he still didn't do well with the interrogations. He would either be too overboard, or just inexperienced. He tried to be too much like Dean and it didn't work out too well for him.

Dean would get a little restless not being on the hunts, so he would spend some of his time doing research.

He hated it.

"This is a chick job. It's bullshit."

"Dude. I usually do the research."

"You just made my point."

"Whatever." Sam just shook his head. "So go do some hunting. I've got an easy job I'm working on. You wanna go with?"

Dean thought about it, but didn't want to leave Elena. She was about 8 months now, and he didn't want to have to worry about her being alone and something happening while he was gone.

"I better not."

"I know you're worried about Elena, but we could call Cas to come babysit for you."

"I do not need a babysitter!" Elena said as she stomped into the library after hearing Sam's comment. Her belly the size of a watermelon.

"Are you having twins? You look bigger than the last time I saw you."
Jeremy told her, as he sat at the table helping Sam and Dean pound out some salt rounds and 12 gauge shotgun rounds. Since they made their own, Jeremy learned and was a quick study. He was almost as good as those Winchester boys.

"I'm not having twins, I'm eight months pregnant you idiot!"

Sam turned to Jeremy, tsking. "You never talk about a pregnant womans weight. Not in front of her anyways."

Elena walked up to him, slapping him on the back of the head as she grabbed some carrots out of the fridge.

"Dean, I don't know why you won't just go hunting with the guys."

Dean stopped what he was doing, and looked over at Elena.

"Anything could happen in the next month or so. I need to be here incase something bad happens."

"What could happen, Dean? I don't leave the bunker, so I'll be fine. Bonnie is here so if I ever was to go into labor, I'll be fine. She was going to the classes with me. She knows what she's doing. Since you didn't go to several."

"I told you. I wasn't feeling well."

"That's not what it looked like when I got home to see you stash the scotch as I walked in the door. Dean, I'm not blind or stupid. It's fine. You miss it and I don't want you missing it because of the baby and I. Please, I want you to go."

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