Chapter 20

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Elena couldn't stop smiling.

"I totally just saved your ass! I'm awewome!"

"Well, don't do a victory lap just yet, I just watched that waitress one run out the back."

They both took off after her. She had already jumped the fence out back and was running away. "Elena! I need your..." just then, he heard a bullet and then she fell over. "...gun?"

He turned around and looked at her. "You weren't supposed to kill her! We have to question her."

Elena walked over to the fence and began climbing it with Sam right behind her. "Relax. I shot her in the knee."

After they reached the other side, they finally made it to her. She was bleeding a greenish ooze everywhere, and she looked pissed.

"Nice shot!"


Sam walked up to her, and kicked her bloody kneecap, causing her to scream out in pain.

"What did you do to my brother?"
She laughed.

"I got him off our back. That's what I did. But you two, are you the only people on the planet that don't eat burgers? I put some 'special sauce' in his burger. Thought it would be fun. It's in all the burgers." She smiled again.

"What are you?"
"Me? Oh... I am something very old. You won't find me in any of your silly books Mr. Winchester. No. I'm older than that. I am A Spanish Infante. But I was born different than the other children in my royal family. I was the first born, but was not eligable for the throne. I grew up, feeling things growing inside of me. I soon realized that I could make things do whatever I wanted. I once made a dwarf cry himself to death. Because he stopped making me laugh. I came to this town, to watch funny things, and when there was nothing funny, I made them see funny things."

"How are dead women funny?"

"Oh dear boy, dead women are always funny. Take yours for example. All I have to do is sneeze on her and she'll be lost to me as well and do whatever I ask of her. Shall I try it?"

"Don't you touch her!"
Sam held his gun up to her head. Aimed and was ready to let go. She just looked up at him from the ground and laughed.

"You can't kill me with silly bullets and gunfire."
She began giggling like a child.

"Then I guess it's good that this isn't just any gun. Did you take a look at the handle? You're older than dirt. I'm sure you know of the Colt?"
Her eyes went ablaze. She placed her hands in front of her face.

"No, please don't. I'll stop."

"Tell me how to fix my brother."

"I already fixed him."

"No, you made him sick. How do I cure the sickness you gave him?"

"Oh. That. Well, I have something for that too but you'll have to let me go if you want it."

"I don't think so. Most other ghost stories have a happy ending as soon as you kill the bad guy, so I'll try that one first. Bye bitch." Sam said as he held the colt to her forehead, and pulled the trigger. Elena could hear the bullet as it cracked her skull, and stayed in her head. Watching the lights in her eyes go super bright, and then fade away.

Sam and Elena dragged the woman by her hair, back to the car. Each grabbing an end of her tossing her into the trunk. After Sam closed it, he drew symbols on it.

"What are you doing Sam?"

"I'm turning the trunk into a lock box. These are demonic symbols. The strongest ones ever written. They will contain whatever that was. Incase the colt wasn't enough to kill her." He explained as he moved to the other side to draw more symbols on the other side. "I'm going to go back in and get my purse."

"Wait for me! I don't want you going alone."

She slouched, and sighed, as she always did when she got told to wait for something.

Soon they were inside, walking to her purse which had everything sprawled out on the floor from when she grabbed her mags. She quickly cleaned it up back into her purse, finding another mag, she put it in her gun, and out her empty ones in her purse.

It didn't take long to get back to Dean who was asleep in the bed when they got there. Sam opened the door only a little to peek, then closed it again. Holding up his hand to Elena.

"Wait. What if it didn't work?"

She moved his hand out of the way, and looked up to him. "I'm sure it did, Sam. You're the smartest man I know. So, let's go check on him. I need to know he's ok. And he owes me an apology!"

Elena said as she slammed open the door, causing Dean to sit up quickly, but not quick enough to wipe his drool from his chin first.

"Huh? What?" He looked over to them with a sad face. "Why? I was having a good dream."

Elena rolled her eyes.


Dean smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.


Elena laughed, and ran over to him. Hugging him so hard, he fell over.

"I had the weirdest dream. But right now, I'm really hungry. Can we go get some burgers?"

Sam and Elena but yelled in unison.


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