Chapter 25

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When they got home, they were all so tired from the long trip there and back, that they all just fell into their beds. Not even changing. They had stopped half way and stayed at a hotel, but Elena didn't feel better until she walked in to the doors of their home.

"Thank God for feathers!"
Dean said. "What kind of feathers do you think these are. Ostrich? Goose? Chicken?"
Elena laughed.
"Angel. I hope." Dean laughed at her idea.
"Wishful thinking. Let's hope they aren't any of the ones that were stuck up their ass."

They both laughed again, tightly in each others embrace, and as Elena laid her head upon Dean's chest, they fell asleep.

"Dean, Elena. Wake up."
Sam was saying from outside their bedroom. Knocking incessantly. Elena slowly opened her eyes, and began shaking Dean.

"Dean, Sam's at the door. It sounds important. Dean!"

Dean took the pillow from beneath his head and used it to cover his face but not before yelling loudly.

"Go away Sam! I'm tired."

"I made pie!"

Dean sat straight up. "I'm coming!" Dean looked over at Elena, and she was holding her wrist.
"Babe, you need me to wrap that for you?"

"Dean, I'm not an invalid. I can do things myself. Beside, it barely even hurts."

Just then, he tossed his keys to her, knowing she was right handed and would catch them as such, and she did. As she hissed in pain. "Damn it! You ass!"

"What? I was just testing out a theory. Sue me."

"I am so gonna kick your ass for that!" Elena said, as she held her right wrist and chased Dean around the room.

"Make sure you use your left hand." As he laughed. She finally caught up to him and kicked him in the shin.

"Ok ok. You win. Now, let me wrap it. I never meant that you couldn't do it yourself. Just that you didn't have to. Let me. Please?"
He slid his hand gently under her wrist, and started somewhat loosely turning the wrap around her wrist, and over her hand until it velcroed together. "There. Better?"

"Yes. It does feel better. Thank you."

"Ok, now let's go see what Sam wanted. Ok?"
Elena nodded.

"Where's the pie, Sam?"
Dean looked over at Sam, frustrated.

"Ok, I lied. There's no pie."

"I knew it! You can't make pie! I should've known. Bitch."

"Hey now, no need for name calling... jerk. I have a case."

"So, what's the case?"
Elena responded.

"Well, here's the problem. It seems... Damon got out. No one can find him, but there are no bodies, no trail. So... I kinda told Bonnie we'd keep an eye out."

"Damn it Sammy! Why would you tell her that?"

"Because she thinks he is coming here."

"Oh." Was all Elena said, but Dean had a satisfied smile on his face.

"Dean, no. You're not killing him."

"Elena, I told you... if he posed a threat I would take him down. I even told him that. Emotions or not, he remembers that. And I doubt he's coming to get you. He's probably coming to get me."

"But that would imply his emotions are on, right Elena?" Sam inquired.

"Not quite." She started. "It just means he is getting them back, but the first one he felt was anger... that's bad. He gets reckless when he is angry or hurting. It's probably why he shut them off in the first place."

"Elena, you're not blaming yourself, are you? You can't control how others react. You're happy now. It shouldn't be someone's 'fault' your happy. Being happy is a gift. Not many people have it."

Elena nodded at Sam, as a single tear fell down her cheek.

"You're not going to go running outside again. Are you?" Dean said as he held her, and it made her half laugh.

"No Dean. No more running alone for me. I've learned my lesson."

"Now I want pie. Elena, you wanna go for a drive with me to get some pie?"

Elena pondered for a moment. Then, decided she'd like some pie too!

"Alright, I'm in. Sam? You wanna join?"

He sat at the table, scribbling some notes onto a pad of paper.

"Nah, I'm more on research mode for the day. Thanks though. Besides, I'm not much of a pie person." He looked over at Dean for a moment. Then back down to his paper.

Dean's jaw dropped and his eyes went wide.

"How dare you dis the pie!"

Elena began shoving him out of the door, before he embarassed her more.

"Out Dean! The pie is calling for you." She said as she laughed. "Bye Sam!"

As she closed the door behind her.

The drive to the nearest diner was about 15 minutes, but Elena and Dean didn't mind the alone time together. As he drove, one hand on the wheel, and one hand around her shoulders, she just settled herself in the crook of his arm. Loving this part of him that he reserved for only her. She started to close her eyes but before she knew it, she realized Dean had been talking to her.

"... and Sam was like, why are you calling me a bitch! And I was like... you're supposed to say jerk. He was all preppy with a sweater over his shoulders tied in a little bow."

Oh shit, what the hell is he talking about? I guess I'll just play along and pretend I was listening.

"That story was... well, it was..."

"You fell asleep. Didn't you?"

"Maybe. Tell me again later?"

"Of course babe. Anything for you."

He said as they parked.

"Go ahead and sit anywhere!" The waitress said.
"Corner booth?" Dean said.
"I like how you think Mr. Winchester."

They looked at the menu.

"Excuse me, Miss?" And the waitress shuffled over to the table with her pen and pad. "Yes?"

"What are your specialty pies."
"Well, we have peach cobbler, apple pie and banana cream pie."

"Oooh! Dean, I want the banana cream please."

Dean nodded. "I'll have the apple. And please just bring whole pies please."

Elena clapped. She loved pie.

After they each ate a few pieces, they wrapped them to go, and left.

"So, Elena. Did you like your pie?"

"Why yes. I did."

"So, you're glad you came with me?"


Just then, Elena saw out of the corner of her eye, a blue car headed straight for the drivers side.

"Dean! Look out!"

But it was too late.

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