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6 years later
Laurent's POV
I was in my bedroom scrolling through my Instagram when I stopped and seen a picture of my ex-fiance Désiray. I looked at some of the comments and they made me feel some type of way.

@lestwinson: You look beautiful sis I love you 💓💕😍

@jaelyn_bourgeois: Where you at we can meet up?? I miss my niece and I know she misses her cousins!!

@jaelyn_bourgeois: You look beautiful as always😭😍💕💓

@regi_hybrid: Belle😍😍

Looking at her and her mentioning my daughter made me feel guilty for not seeing them for 3 years. I do miss Désiray she was my first love. Every time I asked Larry about her he got an attitude with me. Probably because I hurt Désiray and my daughter.

I need to see her and Riley as soon as I can. I went to her profile and clicked the 'follow' button. I scrolled through her profile occasionally liking some pictures. I scrolled back up to the top clicking on her recent picture.

I liked it and left a comment under her picture.

@lestwinsoff: You look beautiful mon amour! Miss you and Riley both!!😍😘💕💓

Desiray's POV
Riley: "Mommy can I go with you to your photoshoot?" She asked taking selfies on my phone.

Desi: "Of course you are coming with me. I can't leave home all alone" I said fixing my hair in the mirror.

Riley: "Yayyyyy! Can I take pictures with you" she asked handing me my phone.

Desi: "We'll have to ask the photographer if you can and if they say yes then you can," I said standing up from my desk.

She smiled and jumped up and down. I laughed and grabbed her hand. We walked out of my bedroom and into the living room.

Riley: "Mommy I was going through your pictures and I found one that I want you to post," Riley said putting on her shoes.

Desi: "Ok show me the picture you want me to post," I said handing her my phone.

She put in her thumbprint and went to my camera roll. She clicked on the picture and showed it to me.

Riley: "You like it, mommy," she asked climbing into my lap.

Desi: "I do like it, baby girl. Ok, I'll post it" I said taking my phone from her.

I went to Instagram and clicked on the picture. I was coming up with a caption when Riley took my phone. I looked over her shoulder as she typed away on my phone. She posted the photo and handed it to me.

I looked at the caption and started to get a little teary-eyed. I sat my phone down and hugged her. She hugged me back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Riley: "Mommy don't cry. You are too pretty for that" she said wiping them away.

That made me cry even harder. It took a little bit but I managed to get my tears under control. I took a deep breath and smiled at my daughter.

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