Bad Girl

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Desiray's POV
Desi: "Baby please don't go" I begged while he packed his bag.

He and Larry are going to Russia for an entire week for a workshop!! I'm not mad that he is going to Russia for work, I'm just mad he has to leave me and Riley.

Lau: "Baby you know I have too" he said zipping it up.

Desi: "Baby I don't want you to leave me" I pouted.

Lau: "Baby I know but I'll only be gone a week then after I get back we are gonna go back to Paris for Christmas" he said placing his bags on the floor.

Desi: "Baby a week is too long" I whined getting off the bed.

Lau: "I'll be back before you know it. I promise then when I get back you, me, and Riley are gonna spend the whole day together" he said pulling me into him.

Desi: "Ok I guess that's works too" I sighed looking up at him.

He smiled and leaned down pressing our lips together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist picked me up from the ground. Before we could get carried away his phone began to ring. He pulled away and sighed, placing me back on the floor.

Lau: "I gotta go baby I will call you as soon as I get to the hotel" he said letting his hands go from around my waist.

Desi: "Ok be careful you don't need to hurt your knee again" I said crossing my arms.

Lau: "I will be baby I promise now I gotta go. Unlike Larry I like to be on time" he said grabbing his bags.

I laughed and shook my head following me downstairs. He made it to the door and opened it stepping outside.

Lau: "Bye Baby I love you" he said turning towards me.

Desi: "I love you to baby. Bye" I said waving to him as he walked down the steps.

I closed the door and walked into the kitchen. Just as I opened the fridge someone pounded on the door. I shut the fridge and jogged over to the door. I opened the door and was immediately met with a pair of lips on mine.

I was stunned at first but I started kissing back when I realized it was Laurent. He slowly pulled away leaving me panting.

Lau: "Sorry I had to that before I leave" he said placing one more kiss on mine lips.

He pulled away and walked back down to the car and turned around. He waved to me as he got in the car. I stood in the doorway and watched as the car pulled away down the street.

I shut the door and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed out a bottle of water. I took a drink and sat it on the counter. I felt myself wanting to cry, but I blinked them back. I miss him already and he just left. This is gonna be a long week.

Laurent's POV
We just made it to Russia. Our workshop is tomorrow, so we planned on hitting the club tonight to let loose. I didn't get a chance to talk to Riley before we left. I miss her and Desi so much. They are all I think about and they are all I need. Desi makes me feel like nobody that I have ever dated before and I'm so glad she let me back in her life.

Larry: "Bro what you day dreaming about."

I hadn't realized that I was in a trance until Larry snapped me out of it.

Lau: *running his hands down his face* "Desi and Riley but mostly Desi. I can't stop thinking about her. I really love her man. She is exactly the type of woman I need. She makes me so happy and I don't want to be with anyone else.

Larry: "Aww my big bro is in love. That's so cute" he said pinching my cheeks.

Lau: "Shut up Larry I have been in love with since we were seniors in high school" I said pushing his hand away from my face.

Larry: "I know you have that's why I'm waiting on another niece or nephew. Then you guys can get married and move to Paris..."

Lau: "Woah woah woah calm down. I'm not so sure about her and Riley moving to Paris. As for marrying her, I have been thinking about proposing to her." I confessed.

Larry: "Really?! *Lau nods* Let me know when you want to do it so I can help you!" He said excitedly.

Lau: "I was gonna ask for your help anyway" I said shifting on my bed.

Larry: "Alright I'm gonna go call my babies, take a shower, and nap before tonight. See ya later" he said giving me a hug and walking out of the room.

Making babies with Desi isn't a bad idea especially since we talked about it the other day. Speaking of Desi, I need to see her face and hear her voice.

It's 1:00 pm here so it's 10:00 pm in New York. I pulled out my lap top and logged onto Skype. It didn't take long for her beautiful face to fill the screen.

Desi: "Hey baby I was just laying her thinking about you" she said laying on the bed in my shirt.

Lau: *smiling into the screen* "Really what were you think about" I asked raising my eyebrows at her.

Desi: *blushing* "I was thinking about my last night in Paris" she said blushing really hard.

I started to think back to that night. We went through two three packs of condoms that night. We had to stop because we ran out. Yeah I need to restock.

Lau: "What part were you thinking of. The part where we were on the balcony or in the kitchen. Maybe it was when I had you hanging upside down off the bed."

Her face had turned beet red and just repeating what we did made hard as hell.

Desi: "Yeah all of those, but I especially liked it when we were mimicking your little video collection." She giggled biting on her finger.

That's it, I couldn't take it anymore. Skype sex it is.

Lau: "Baby take off your shirt and let me see the girls."

She did as she was told. I'm guessing she is just as honey as I am. Without asking Desi started caressing her breast staring at me which pulled a strained moan from my throat. By now I had my joggers and boxers pulled down enough to release myself. She began to moan once she saw me stroking beast.

Lau: "Take your panties off, I want to see my pussy." She didn't hesitate and opened wide for my viewing pleasures.

Desi: "Baby I miss you so much" she moaned pinching her nipple.

Lau: "Do you? Show me. Let me see and hear how much you miss me. Make it cream for me baby." I said in a lustful tone.

Desi began to play with herself and I could see how wet she was. If I could only reach through this screen. The more she pleased herself the harder I stroked.

Desi: *legs shaking and breathing hard* "Baby... I'm... so close. AHH LAU!!!!"

Right before my eyes my baby screamed and creamed for me. Her eyes were low as she removed her fingers and placed them in her mouth, sucking them clean. That did it for me. I exploded all over myself while she watched.

Lau: *trying to focus* "My baby is a bad girl" I said smiling.

Desi: "Only for you baby" she smiled, panting lightly.

Lau: "Good, now get cleaned up and get some sleep. Well do this again after my workshop tomorrow."

She blew me a kiss and ended our call. Damn. That was one of the best sexual experiences I've ever had. She will definitely be getting fucking with me if I don't.

When do you think Laurent will propose to Desi? Will she say yes or will she reject him?? Until then~ Desiray😘💕🥰

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