No Such Thing As Perfect

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Desiray's POV
It's been about a week and half since I have been out of the hospital. Riley and I moved out of our old house and now live with Laurent. We are like an actual family kinda minus the marriage part of it but you know what I mean.

Laurent took care of me and Riley like he said was going to. It took about 2 weeks for me to completely heal. I was happy that I was healed but also sad at the same time. I know your think why would you be sad?

I'm sad because I liked having Laurent take care of me. Even though I'm all healed now he still takes care of me! How did I get lucky and end up with such an amazing person in my life? I don't know but I'm not gonna let him go.

Life couldn't be better for me right now.... Maybe
Desi: "Laurent all you have to do is say sorry!" I yelled walking into the house.

Lau: "For what! I do nothing!" He yelled back, slamming the door.

I know what your thinking, why are you guys arguing?

Well Laurent had a bright idea to go to the club while Riley was spending the weekend at my wifey's house. I didn't feel like it but like usual I give into his begging.

So while we were there Laurent was dancing with some hoe grinding all over each other. I didn't say anything to him because I knew he wasn't gonna do anything.

I was dancing with a guy and he got all pissed off. He literally dragged me out of the club and yelled at me like I was a child. We didn't say anything to each other the entire way home until he decided to yell at me again.

So that pretty much sums up why we are arguing.

Desi: "You got all pissed off that I was dancing with a guy when I didn't say anything to you about dancing with that girl" I spat angrily.

Lau: "I was just dancing with her" he yelled defensively.

Desi: "No you were Laurent you were dry humping her. I didn't say one word to you because I knew that you loved me and I could trust you. When I was dancing with that guy we were barely touching each other and you got all pissed off. Apparently you don't trust me as much as I thought" I said getting emotional.

He didn't say a word he just stared at me with guilt written all over his face.

Desi: "Fine if you don't want to talk to me that's fine. I'll sleep in the guest room so I don't have to see your annoying ass face" I said turning around to go upstairs.

I walked upstairs and walked into the bedroom. I took off my shoes and tossed them to the side. I took off my dress and changed into some grey booty shorts.

I turned around and saw a sorry looking Laurent standing in the door way. He went to say something but I raised my hand stopping him from talking.

Desi: "Laurent don't say anything I know what your gonna say and I don't want to hear it. I'm gonna go sleep in the guest room away you" I said pulling my hair into a quick bun.

I walked into the bathroom to take my make up off before I went to sleep. I looked up and Laurent was standing behind me. He turned me around and sat me on the counter.

Desi: "Lau get off me. I told you I'm not in the mo-" I was cut off by Laurent's lips on mine.

I would be lying if I said I didn't want that. I felt his tongue lick my lip begging for entrance. I gave it to him. He moved in between my legs and wrapped his arms around my waist. I didn't want to break the kiss, but I couldn't get heart broken by this man again. It hurts too much.

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