Family Time

180 18 25

Laurent's POV
Today is our last day in Paris and I'm kinda sad. I love being in Paris with my whole family including Riley and Desi of course. I think they love it here just as much as I do. Maybe even more.

I have thought about talking to Desi and Riley about moving to Paris but I'm not too sure that they would want too. As much as Riley and Desi love Paris they have lived in New York for 4 years. That's most of Riley's life. I will talk to them about it sometime in the near future.
Today Jaelyn, Larry, Desi, and I are taking all of the kids to Disneyland since they have never been. We are even going to bring my brothers other daughter Lilo.

I walked out of the bathroom finishing up my shower

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I walked out of the bathroom finishing up my shower. When I walked in the bedroom my eyes almost bugged out of my head.

Desi was laying on the bed with no shirt on, in her panties with her feet crossed, playing on her phone. I felt myself twitch underneath my towel. I just took a cold shower and I'm hard again how is that possible?!?! Desi is the only person that can do that to me.

I took off my towel and climbed into bed, laying on top of her

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I took off my towel and climbed into bed, laying on top of her. I pressed soft kisses to her shoulder, making my way to her neck. She put her phone down and managed to turn around onto her back.

As she did that she grinded on me causing me to groan. She looked up at me and smiled.

Desi: "Really Lau we did it last night till 3 in the morning" she said shaking her head.

Lau: "You have no idea how much I love you do you?" I asked peppering her face with kisses.

Desi: "I think I do, but probably not as much as I love you" she challenged.

I said nothing. Instead a decided to show her. She whimpered when I wrapped my lips around her nipple and swirled my tongue around and now hardened bud.

I repeated the same action with the right side as she moaned and squirmed under me. I took that as my sign to continue. Using my hand I went straight to her panties and pulled them to the side to be met with a puddle.

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