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I opened the door and stood shocked ah who was standing there.

James: "Hey baby. You miss me.
I tried to slam the door back but James caught it and grabbed me by my neck.

James: "That wasn't nice baby now I have to punish you" he said smiling that evil smile.

He punched me in the face causing me to get the floor. James closed the door and locked it. I was in a daze as blood trickled from my nose to my lips.

James: "Now where should I start? Where's Riley maybe I should start with her" he said walking towards the stairs.

Desi: *gets up* "No, don't touch my daughter. This is between me and you, leave her out of it" I said wiping the blood from my face.

James: "Aww isn't that sweet trying to protect your daughter. Well she isn't going to have a mommy for very much longer" he said laughing evilly.

Desi: "You can hurt me all you want to but you will leave my daughter alone" I said angrily.

James: "You ask for it" he said lunging at me.

He grabbed me and threw me against the coffee table. He raised his hand and punched me in the lip. I try not to scream so I didn't scare Riley. I smack echoed throughout the house and I cried loudly, whimpers leaving my lips.

I tried to fight back but James grabbed my hair and his hand and lifted my head up. Only for him to slam it against the coffee table hard. I yelped and squeeze my eye shut as a river of tears flowing out of my eyes.

I heard ringing in my ears and I held my head tightly, warm liquid spilling onto my fingers. He began to punch and kick me, beating me as if I was nothing. I couldn't even cry anymore so I just let it all happen.

All I could do was feel blood trickling down my face and are leaving my lungs. He kicked me one last time before walking around the rest of my house, leaving me in a pile of blood and tears.

Laurent's POV
I was sitting on Larry and Jaelyn's couch. I didn't know what to do about Desi. All of a sudden my phone started ringing, scaring me out of my thoughts. I picked it up from the table and saw Desiray's name.

I answered it but before I could say anything I heard Riley's voice boom in my ear.

Phone Convo
Riley: "DADDY HELP!" She yelled in a whisper.

Lau: "Baby what's wrong" I asked worriedly.

Riley: "Mommy is screaming, someone is hurting her" she said in the small voice.

Lau: "Baby girl where are you at" I asked scooting closer to the edge of the couch.

Riley: "I'm in mommy's room in the closet" she said quieter.

Lau: "Baby girl listen to me do not leave that room" I said sternly.

Riley: "I got to go daddy someone's knocking on the door. Bye daddy please hurry."
End of Convo

Before I could answer her the call ended. I jumped off the couch racing to get to the door.

Larry: "Bro what's wrong" he asked noticing my frantic state.

Lau: "Riley just called me someone is in Desiray's house. I have a feeling it's James. Riley said she heard screaming."

Larry: "We have to go now! We!be back soon babe" he said running to the door with his car keys.

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