Till Death Do Us Part II

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Laurent's POV
The sun was beaming through the window and I opened my eyes with a big smile on my face, knowing what day it is. Our wedding day. Looking at the clock it was 8 a.m. The wedding doesn't start until 2pm. I couldn't stop thinking about Desi. She had brought so much joy and happiness into my life. I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

Desi: "Good morning baby. Still thinking about me?" She asked when she answered the phone.

Lau: "I'm always thinking about you. How did you sleep?" I asked turning over on my back.

Desi: "I slept like a baby. How did you sleep baby?" She asked yawning a bit.

Lau: "I slept like a brick." I chuckled.

Desi: "I love maman so much. She made me an amazing breakfast in bed this morning. I love her so much, she is amazing. I'm getting so much today. Not only am I get you as my husband. I'm getting the amazing family that comes with it."

Lau: "We are getting some amazing people too. I can't wait till later baby." I said playing with one of my twists.

Desi: "I'm gonna go feed the babies and I will see you at the end of the aisle. I love you baby." She said.

Lau: "I love you more. See you later." I said blowing her a kiss.

After hanging up I went to the bathroom to take care of my business. Walking out of the bathroom there was a knock on my door. I went and opened it and it was Larry.

Larry: "I made you breakfast." He said handing me a tray that had all my favorite foods on them.

Lau: "Aww thanks bro. You're the sweetest." I said taking the tray from him and jumping in his arms.

Larry: "Ok calm down I just wanted to do something nice for you on your wedding day." He said pushing me off him.

I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed my tray and sat down on my bed. I began happily eating my food as Larry ate his.

Larry: "So are you ready to be a married man?" He asked.

Lau: "Hell yes my brother. This should've happened over 7 years ago but I'm just glad it is finally happening now."

Larry: "I'm glad y'all finally getting married. It's been a long road to get to this point but I'm glad you guys are finally here." He said giving me a pat on the back.

Lau: "I am too. I can't wait to see her walking down that aisle to me." I said looking at my suit that laid in the chair.

Desiray's POV

After making sure my babies were taking care of I went into the bathroom I decided to take a long and much needed bath. Sitting in the tub I thought back to what had happened since I met Laurent. We have been so much shit, but it was all worth it because today we are getting married.

I relaxed for about an hour before getting out of the tub. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into a bedroom, where I found a small box and an envelope with my name in it. There was also a card attached to a small box.

I picked up the card noticing my name in Laurent's handwriting. I smiled and shook my head. I opened the card to read what it said inside.

Hi baby. Well today is the day that I finally make you mine. I can't wait to see you walking to me. I know that you are going to look breathtaking. I wanted to give you something that you work so hard for. You want to own your own business and be your own boss. So here is a little something to let you know how proud I am of you and to let you know that I always have you back and support you. I love you baby💘❤️
Your husband

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