Birthday Boy

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Desiray's POV
Today is my baby's birthday and all day I have been spoiling him. This morning I made him breakfast in bed. I bought him new Jordan's. I bought him a new phone. Tonight will be even more special 😏😏.
Laurent just got home from spending time with Larry and his friends. I instructed him to play a game of FIFA and relax. I actually decided to hire a chef to cook dinner since I already cooked and baked quite a bit today. After getting situated I ran him a hot soothing bath.

Lau: *getting into to the tub* "Baby what's this all about? I mean I'm not complaining but why do I get a surprise?" He asked like he was genuinely confused.

Desi: *waking over to him kneeling but the tub* "Because you are the most amazing man I'm the world and I love you so much. Also it's your birthday today is all about you." I said staring into his eyes.

He stopped me by crashing his on mine taking up breath away. He was slowly trying to undo my shirt, reaching inside to massage my breast. This man is always so sexual.

Desi: *pulling away* "No baby that has to wait till later" I said.

Lau: *pouting* "Fine but what's on the menu tonight, besides you" he asked with his famous smirk.

Desi: *blushing and shaking her head* "That's a surprise too but it's a three course meal" I answered.

Lau: *reaching for her thigh moving to her kitty* "Can I have a little a appetizer" *licks his lips*.

Desi: *getting up heading to the door* "That will have to wait till later too. Clean up good baby I'll be in the bedroom when you finish."

I went into our bedroom making sure everything was ready. I had scented candles, John Legend's 'All of Me' playing in the background, my coconut oil warming in a not so hot bowl of water, and I put in a short white sexy satin robe which I know is going to get ruined dealing with this oil but who cares.

As I finished tying the belt around my waist I felt Laurent staring at me so I turned around to find him completely naked.🤤🤤

Lau: "Baby all this for me" he asked seeming a little shocked.

My eyes were still locked on his amazing body that all I could do was nod my head and motion for him to lay down on the table. He did as told and I grab the oil and poured it in my hands and rubbed them together. I started at his neck rubbing ever so gently.

Laurent began to moan as I made my way passed his collarbone to shoulders. This man's body is just so amazing. I made my way down his back and massaged there pulling more moans from him. This shit was turning me on but I can't give in.

I continue towards the dip in his back right before is perfectly shaped butt. Digging my fingers into the area. He had not seen his lower back and I intended to work them out. Now to his butt. He flinched a little when I touched him there and then looked over his shoulder.

Lau: *serious face* "Baby can you bypass there, I don't like my ass being touched unless you are trying to pull deeper into you" he winked.

I slapped him on his ass and continued to massage his muscular thighs and down his calves. For man as slim as he is he has muscles everywhere. His feet were going to be last so I told him to turn over.

Just like a good boy he did as he was told and had a devilish smirk on his face when my eyes went straight to his beast. His erection was starting to grow and I could feel the heat in between my thighs.

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