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Desiray's POV
Laurent and I have been planning out some small details about our wedding since we got back from Paris. Which was two weeks ago. We haven't decided on a date yet since we decided to get married after the twins were born.

The only things we have decided on is the colors, the guests, and our wedding parties. Those were the easiest things for us to decide on. Riley has also been helping us becaue its her wedding too as she likes to say. She is trying to be our little wedding planner.

A lot of our friends suggested that we hire a planner but we decided against it. We both wanted to experience everything there was about planning a wedding. It's a lot of fun but it is also very stressful and exhausting!
We are currently on the couch picking out flowers. My laptop was on Laurent's stomach as he used his iPad.

Lau: "What about these bébé" he suggested showing me pictures of different tulip arrangements.

Desi: "They're pretty but I thought we agreed on doing roses" I asked looking down at him.

Lau: "Oh yeah I forgot" he laughed putting down his the iPad.

I shook my head and typed in the flowers in my laptop so we wouldn't forget anything else by we I mean Lau.

Lau: "Bébé can we take a break" he said closing my laptop.

Desi: "Yeah I'm hungry can we get food" I asked playing with his wild afro.

Lau: "Sure but I don't want you on your feet you need to relax" he said placing kisses on my slightly exposed stomach.

Desi: "Ok let's go out to dinner then" I suggested.

Lau: "Ok go get changed and I will go see of Riley is awake" he said getting up from the couch.

I nodded and walked up the stairs towards our bedroom. I opened the door and immediately stripped out of my Laurent's shirt and my pajama shorts. I dug around in my closet looking for an outfit to wear.

After looking I decided on a casual outfit to wear. I took my hair out of the braided pigtails I put in last night. I was surprised how good it looked so I left it the way it was.

I grabbed my phone and walked over to the mirror, taking a picture.

I looked at it and decided I would post it later

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I looked at it and decided I would post it later. I grabbed my wallet and headed downstairs. I could Laurent and Riley laughing from the living room.

I turned the corner and smiled at the sight I saw. Laurent was tossing Riley up in the air as she giggled loudly. Laurent's head looked in my direction and he smiled, putting Riley down.

Lau: "You look cute bébé' he said walking over to me.

Desi: "Thanks baby. Riley you look cute baby girl" I said walking over to her.

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