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Larry: "Lau come on in."

Before I could get out a word in walked the one person I never thought I would see in my house again. Laurent Bourgeois.
Riley: *gasps* "DADDY!" She yelled tears streaming down her face.

She ran over to him and jumped in his arms. I didn't even want to look at him, so I went back to making pancakes. Him being here brings up so many emotions and feelings I didn't want to open again.

Lau: "Daddy missed you so much baby. I'm so sorry that I haven't seen you" he said tears streaming down his face as well.

Riley: "Daddy don't cry I'm not mad at you. You are here that's all that matters now. I missed you so much" she said wiping his tears away.

Desi: "Mommy missed him too even though she doesn't want to admit it" I said under my breath.

Lau: "How has Daddy's princess been" he asked picking her up in his arms.

Riley: "I have been good. I'm so happy you are here" she cried again.

Desi: "Mommy isn't" I said a little louder than I wanted to.

Jae: "Did you say something Des?" She asked putting my nieces in her floor.

Desi: "Yeah can you come help me finishing up breakfast since Riley can't really help at the moment" I said coming up with a quick lie.

Jae: "Yeah I'll help you. You got the twins babe?" She asked Larry.

Larry: "Yeah I got them" he nodded.

Riley: "Do you still want me to help you mommy" she asked getting down from Lau's arms.

Desi: "No it's ok you can catch up with Daddy in the living room" I said caressing her cheek.

She nodded and took Lau into the living room with Larry and the twins, while Jae came out into the kitchen with me.

Desi: "Why the hell is Laurent in my house?!" I asked in a hushed tone.

Jae: "He came over when we were getting the kids ready to leave. He asked where we were going and when he found out that we were coming over here he wouldn't take no for an answer" she said in a calming tone.

Desi: "So you let him" I asked in a calmer voice.

Jae: "Yeah Larry and I didn't think you'd care" she shrugged.

Desi: "I wouldn't have cared is this wasn't the first seeing his daughter in three years. He has no excuse for not seeing her. He just didn't want too nor did he care. He only sent her birthday and Christmas gifts. He cared more about his job than his only daughter" I said feeling the tears pricking at my eyelids.

Jae: "I know you are upset and you have every single right to be. But look how happy Riley is" she says pointing to the living room.

Desi: "I know I just don't want him to walk back into her life just to leave again" I said blinking my tears away.

Jae: "I understand. Now let's finish up breakfast before Larry starts complaining" she said hugging me.

I nodded and went back to making the pancakes. Jaelyn helped me finish up the rest of breakfast while Laurent and Riley played. It made me happy that Riley was happy, but I wasn't happy about seeing Laurent. I pushed her out of my mind and finish setting the table.

Desi: "Breakfast is ready everyone" I said putting the orange juice on the table.

Larry: "Thank God I'm starving" Larry said walking into the kitchen with the twins in his arms.

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