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Desiray's POV
Laurent and I are getting married in 2 days!!! After visiting over 8 venues we decided to get married Paris. I have dreamed of this day since I was in high school.

I knew for whatever reason I knew that I was gonna marry Laurent whether we were together or not. I'm so happy that I can say that I'm gonna marry him. He really is my high school sweetheart.
Desi: "Larry did you pick up the rings" I asked walking into the living room of Mama B's house.

Larry: "Yes sis I did that this morning when you asked me this morning." He said looking up from his phone.

Jae: "When you did you get them you have been home all da-" Larry quickly covered her mouth.

Desi: "You didn't get them did you and don't you dare lie to me" I said crossing my arms.

Before he could say anything Laurent walked in the door.

Lau: "Babe are you ok? Why do you look like you are about to kill Larry?" He asked noticing my annoyed my state.

Desi: "Larry didn't get the rings like I asked him to do this morning since I didn't have time to do it." I said glaring at Larry.

Lau: "I knew he wouldn't remember so I went and got them" he said showing them to me.

Desi: "You're the best future husband ever" I said planting a big kiss on his lips.

Lau: "Baby you need to relax ok? You are stressing out way too much. I know the wedding ia 2 days away, but you should be excited not stressed. So relax and take a deep breath" he said rubbing my shoulders.

Desi: "Ok sorry babe I just want everything to be perfect" I said leaning back against him.

Lau: "It will be now let me make you something to eat" he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

Mama B: "No need I already made sandwiches for my two beautiful daughters" she said handing Jaelyn and I a plate.

Desi: "Merci beaucoup maman" I said giving her head a kiss.

Larry: "What about us mommy" he pouted.

Mama B: "You know how to make your own food so do it" she said to him.

Jaelyn laughed and took half of her sandwich and gave it to Larry. He smiled and happily ate the half of her sandwich. I shook my head and gave Laurent the other half of mine since I probably wouldn't eat it.

Mama B: "So do you two need help with any last minute errands that need to be done?" She asked

Desi: "No I don't think so I just have to leave for my final fitting in about 25 minutes" I said checking my watch.

Mama B: "Ok well I have a little something for you" she said getting up and going into her bedroom.

I lookes at Laurent he shrugged his shoulders. She came back out holding a box. She sat down took my hand. She opened the box and but a beautiful bracelet on my wrist.

Mama B: "So when you get married you are supposed to have something blue, something borrowed, and something new. You see my mother wore this when she got married. I wore that when I got married. Now I want you to wear it when you get married. So it covers your something borrowed and something blue." She said closing the box.

I continued stop the tears that fell from my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. It meant so much because she was the closest person I had that was like my mom.

Desi: "Thank you so much maman this means so much to me" I sobbed into her shoulder.

Mama B: "Your welcome mon chérie" she whispered.

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