Christmas Time

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Desiray's POV
We are back in Paris for Christmas and I'm so happy! Riley and Lilo were happy that they got to see each other again. They claim that they are best friends and I honestly believe they are. I can't wait to give Laurent my gift he is gonna love it! I have kept this away from him for two weeks now and it's killing me not to tell him!! I can't wait till Christmas morning!!!
It's Christmas Eve and I'm helping Riley wrap her gift for Laurent. She wanted to help me since it's for her daddy as she says.

Riley: "Mom do you think you daddy will like my gift" she asked putting the bow on top of it.

Desi: "Of course he will love it he is gonna cry like a big baby" I smiled.

Lau: "Who is gonna cry like a big baby" he asked popping up out of no where.

Riley: "You are when I give you my gift" she said running to put it under the tree.

Lau: "I bet mommy is gonna cry when I give her her gift won't she" he said sitting on the couch next to us.

Riley: "Yeah she will" she said giving him a high five.

Desi: "I thought we agreed no gifts" I said turning to him.

Lau: "You aren't catching me in that trap" he scoffed.

Desi: "How did I get so lucky to have a man as great as you" I asked placing a kiss on his lips.

Riley: "Eww mommy that's icky do that when I'm not around" she said pushing my head away from Laurent.

I laughed and sat her on my lap holding her tight.

Lau: "Baby it's almost time for you to go to bed or Santa won't come and give you presents" he said tickling her little belly.

Riley: "Ok Daddy but will you help me put on my jammies so I can go to sleep" she asked tilting her head at him.

Lau: "Of course I help you. Come on let's go" he said standing up off the couch, holding out his hand.

She took his hand and hopped off my lap. She and Laurent hurried upstairs to go get changed. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.

I opened the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of juice. I turned around and jumped when I seen Mama B.

Mama B: "I'm sorry chérie I didn't mean to scare you" she said chuckling a little bit.

Desi: "It's ok Mama I know you didn't mean too" I smiled, drinking some juice.

Mama B: "How are you my daughter" she asked walking up to me.

Desi: "I'm pretty good I have a really big surprise for Lau in the morning" I said clapping my hands in excitement.

Mama B: "What is it" she asked curiously.

Desi: "Ok but you can't tell him or anyone else not even Larry. Ok?" I said making sure we are on the same page.

She quickly nodded her head and gave me a warm smile. I leaned forward and whispered softly in her ear. I pulled away and she had tears in her eyes. She pulled me into a hug holding me tight, crying on my shoulder.

Mama B: "I'm so happy for you chérie" she whispered in my ear.

Desi: "Thank you so much Mama. I love you more than you would ever know" I whispered back my own tears falling.

We pulled away and looked at each other. We both had really big smiled on our faces. We were cut off by Laurent and Riley coming into the kitchen.

Lau: "She wanted to give you guys hugs and kissed before she went to sleep."

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