Chapter 3: Crossed Paths

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(^That's Zane)
Zane's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned then rolled over to turn it off. I stopped the ringing then rolled back over. Phone started ringing again. I go to hang it up again. I close my eyes to hopefully catch some more sleep. Sleepiness took over but was interrupted by more ringing.

"Fuck, man." I muttered to myself. I rolled over the check called ID: Patricia. I answered it. "Heyyy baby!!!" She yelled. I pulled it away because it hurt my ears. "Hey" I grumbled. "I know you're not still in bed." I check the time 7:43. Fuck I overslept again. "Actually yeah I am." "Zaaaaane" she whined. " I'm getting up. I'm getting up now, Trish. I'll be at school in 15." "Ok well hurry up. I need to tell you something."

She hung up. God I hope she ain't pregnant. Ain't dealing with no baby this early in my life. Fuck that. I throw on some clothes and headed down stairs. Maria was supposed to wake me up at 6:45. What the hell? Now I'm gonna be late. I walked down stairs and greeted by my mother. "Well good morning. I thought you already left for school?" she asked.

"Nah, Maria didn't wake me up. Where is she? She should know better." I said. Maria was our maid. She never disobeys us. She knows her job and does it right. "Yeah she should. I hope she got into an accident otherwise there's no excuse for being late to work." My mom said. My mom, Michelle, showing people who's in charge. Hopefully I can do that one day.

Just then the front door flew open. In walked my dad and Maria. She kept her eyes down. I don't blame her. Mom can be very scary. "Maria where hell have you been? You were supposed to wake Zane up for school. Now he's gonna be late. You better have a good excuse for why your late."

"Lay off of her Michelle. She has a reason for being late. I saw her just walking on the way here, so I picked her up and gave a ride here." He walked over to my mom and gave her and kiss on the cheek. I thought i saw a hint of reluctance in his eyes. "Pray tell the reason then Michael." He looked at Maria and motioned for her to explain.

She looked up with tears in her eyes. "Señora." She said with her accent. That's never good. "I am pregnant. Mi and my husband has been trying for some time to have a baby and we finally have one. Praise God." She said and started a cross on herself. "Oh well that's wonderful news Maria congratulations." My mom went over and hugged her.

"I came from hospital and saw Mr. Michael. I have yet to tell mi husband. He's gonna so excited." She continued. I'm very happy for her. Her husband and her have been trying for years. Hopefully it'll be me jumping for joy of a mini me one day. My thoughts were interrupted by a pinging sound. I looked down at my phone. Patricia texted me.

Zane: On my way now baby.
Trish ❤: Hurry up! Everyone's waiting!!!

I put my phone away. "Alright everyone. I'm off to school. Congratulations Maria." I said. "Bye Zane." They all said. I walked outside and used my vampire super speed to run to school. I went behind the school building. I saw Tricia waiting on me. She was looking around for me. I came up behind her and hugged her.

"Looking for me?" I whispered in her ear. She gasped. "Yes baby. Where were you? I've missed you." She said in her flirty voice. "Got held up at home." I had an idea. "How much you missed me?" I said, moving her hand down my pants. She looked down giggling. "A helluva lot baby." She said while jacking me.

She started kissing me while pumping me faster. Then she got down on her kness and sucking me off. I feel myself getting closer and closer to my release. She started going faster and faster. She swallowed me whole in her mouth. I held onto her hair for dominance and her head a support. I closed my eyes. My body hear shot fast and I felt my release happened.

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