Chapter 21: Biggest Fight

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Zane's POV:

It happened so fast. Angel shows up looking a goddess. Her and Trish got into it at the ballroom. The my dad left my mom heartbroken, and with another woman.  He made Zoey cry. Then Angel yelled at Trish's mom, then Trish's dad shows up with his wife, who happens to be Angel's aunt, then Angel went apeshit on her.

Tonya told everyone that Angel was molested as a child. She never mentioned that. I'm starting to see why. We all ran after her. We called for her. She transformed into a giant bat and flew all. There's no way any of else can catch up to her when she's in that form. Humans could see her. We all tried following her.

She was flying too fast. I tried running faster but it was no use. She was just too fast. Me, Cole and Jennifer turned back around and ran back. "Zane, Cole, Jennifer did you get her?" Asked my mom. We shook our heads. "No ma'am. She was just to fast." Said Cole. "Ok let's get back to the ceremony." Said Lydia.

"No we have a human who gained the Great Orb's magic out there. We cannot continue with her. We don't know what she's capable of." Said one of the Council members. "I told you we should have killed her and taken back the Great Orb's magic when she walked through the door." Said Patricia.

I growled loud enough for everyone to hear. "If I ever hear that come out of your mouth again, Patricia I'm gonna rip your throat out." I threatened. She choked. "Excuse me?" She said. "This is all your fault." I said. "How is it my fault Zane?" SD he asked. "You felt threatened by Angel ever since you met her. She outed you out in front of the whole class and you & the girls kidnapped her and tortured her on the Forbidden Island. You left her to die in that cave and that's where she was transformed." I said.

They all gasped. "Patricia, is this true?" Asked a Council member. "Hell yeah it true. We were all there trying to protect Angel." Said Marcus. "We were even gonna erase her memory so she wouldn't know anything about this world." Said Edwin. "But Patricia wanted to kill her." Said Charles. "She wouldn't leave Angel alone. Even after we all tried to convince her to stop." said Wilson.

"Zane told her to but she wouldn't. So we all used our powers against her to stop her from killing Angel." Said Noah. "But she wouldn't stop. And now thanks to her Angel is now a Uni-Hybrid." I said. "What's that?" Asked Zoey. "A Uni-Hybrid is every magical being in one. And that's what Angel is." Said my mom.

"Girls did Angel not provoke me?" Asked Patricia who was glaring at them. They all looked at each other. Then down at they're hands. "This is so fucked up." Said Cole. "You girls are are scared of this bitch? Your all just as powerful as she is. All you have is use your powers against her and your 3x more powerful than Patricia." He said.

"You guys really are." Said Jennifer. "How do you know that?" Asked Rebecca. "Because Angel told us. She told us how she trained with you guys and tough you were against her. She went on and on about how powerful you all are. And that she didn't understand why you all was taking orders from Patricia. She's ain't that scary. Angel told us you were more powerful than Patricia." said Jennifer.

"And from I see, you are not. Because your so scared of Patricia. What is it about her that y'all are so scared of? Back when Angel was human, she still wasn't afraid of Patricia. Even after knowing what she was, she still wasn't scared." She finished. "Stand up to Ice Bitch. She's just like y'all. Y'all just like her: a magical being." Said Cole.

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