Chapter 4: Bad Day

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Angel's POV:

Wow. I was here 15 minutes and already I made an enemy. A sexy enemy. But that's not the point. I shrug off the dude's rudeness and let it moving to my class. I look down at my schedule: A113, Ms. Brimsly. I looked around at the room numbers. Thank God I'm in the right building.

I followed the numbers down the hall. "111, 112, ah 113 here I am." I said to myself. I opened the door and ALL eyes landed on me. I mean everyone stopped talking and freaking stared at me. I heard gasps and whispers as I entered the room. I walked up to the teacher who looked at me with her mouth open.

I gave her my late pass. She looked at it, studied it and everything. I still felt everyone's gaze on me. I got nervous but kept my eyes on on the teacher. She finally put down the pass and said," So you're Miss Angel Starlight? My new student?" she said with a sharp tone. Who the fuck she getting snipy with? I thought to myself.

"Yes ma'am that's me. Eager and ready to learn." I said with confidence, though my stomach did flips inside me. "Well at least you're cheerful." she said under her breath. "Very well have a seat right next to Mr. Terry." She pointed next to a boy who say at the back near the window.

Now I'm not one to judege anyone, but this dude looked like he has mental issues, someone who'll snap at any moment. At any little thing. Relax Angel. He's not gonna hurt you. He doesn't even know you enough to do anything to you. Just smile at him I told myself.

I made my way to him as everyone's gaze followed me, never leaving. As I say next to him, he watched me with a curious look on his face. I smiled at him and turnedy head to the front of the room. "Ok class, as I was saying, we're going to be talking about the stem cells in a membrane. Take out your books turn to page 429 please " said Ms. Brimsly.

Everyone did but still were talking about me. Remember what mama said. Let them talk. Let them talk Angel I thought to myself. I flipped through the book to page 429 and started reading. The dude next to me slid a piece paper over towards me. I looked at him, he looked at me and motioned for me to read it. I did.

???: why are you here? I wrote back.
Angel: to learn and get education? He wrote back too.
???: I know that but why this particular school?
Angel: Idk. I just wanted to come here.
???: how can you afford to come here?
Angel: what's with the 20 questions? That's my business.
???: sorry just curious. My name's Charles. Charles Tanaka.
Angel: Angel. Angel Starlight. Well I guess you know from the teacher announcing my name.
Charles: well its nice to meet you.
Angel: you too.
That was the end of that. I guess I made one friend at this school. Hopefully I'll make more. The class went on for another 30 minutes before the bell ranged. Everybody gathered they're things and left but not before giving me another glance.

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