Chapter 30: My Future

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Angel's POV:

4 Years Later*

"Mommy, Daddy wants you." Said Bella. I look at my beautiful little girl. "Yeah he says he has a surprise for you. And we're almost done packing for grandma's house." Said Sophia. I looked at both of my little girls.

They looked & acted like me

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They looked & acted like me. But they have their father's eyes. They're green eyes. "Tell Daddy I'll be up there in a minute." I said. Sophia ran off upstairs. "Bella are you excited?" I asked her. "Yes ma'am. I can't wait to see both grandma Ella and grandma Lisa." She said. My mama and Ella ended up getting together.

They got drunk one night, and everything took off from there. They thought it might've been a mistake but they're feelings for one another grew up until they came out with it. Zane was happy for his mom and so was I. Bout time too. I was sure they'd be grannies by the time they came out together.

As I remembered more memories, I remembered me and Zane's wedding. Ever since I told him about my dream, he's wanted to make it a reality. It was special day for me. Everything was exactly how I wanted it be. We invited everyone, our friends and families. I had Jennifer be my maid of honor or else she would've thrown a fit.

"Smile baby girl. Its your wedding day. You're supposed to be happy." My mama said. "I know but Cole hasn't shown up yet. He said he was coming." I said. Cole was supposed to come from Ghost World and see me. He ended getting a wife in the after world. I was proud of him. I met her. Her name was Taylor. She was very nice. "Am I late?" Asked Cole. I turned around. I smiled at him. "Angel?" My mama called. "Cole's right here. He says your beautiful and its about time you and Miss Ella got together." I said. Cole made himself appeared. She smiled at him.

"Watch yo self boy. I'm still in charge of you. Don't get it twisted." She said. Cole laughed but it sounded like wind blowing to a non Raider. "Angel? Are you ready? You look beautiful." Ms. Ella said. She went over to my mom and kissed her. "They're waiting for you." She said. I noticed she held the twins. "You girls ready to see Mommy get married?" She asked them. They babbled nonsense.

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