Chapter 24: Wake Up

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Angel's POV:

Everything is lit up. Its Thanksgiving or Christmas? I walked down the halls. Where am I? Someone's calling my name. "Angel? Angel baby come on. Everyone's waiting." said a voice. It was Zane. I tried following his voice. "Angel?" I looked around and couldn't see anyone. "Go get ready to scare Mommy. We gonna have a surprise for her." said Zane.

Mommy? My baby is already here? I tried yo follow his voice. Still nothing. "Over here Mommy." said a small, high, voice. I looked around. Saw nothing. What is going on? "Mommy over here. Your getting colder." said the small voice. "Mommy you'll never find us." The voice said. Us? "Mommy will never find us." said Zane.

I followed the voices to a closed door. The light was on. There was shadows behind the door. I opened it. Nothing. I could've sworn I saw shadows behind the door. I looked up at the shower curtain. I smiled to myself. I pulled back the curtains and two little girls giggled and ran out the room. I ran after them. "Daddy! Daddy! Mommy's gonna get us. Help us" they cried. "I'm coming princesses." Zane said.

I heard running behind me. I turned around. Nothing. Then I heard Zane's voice in front of me. "Mommy will never us in her." He said. "Oh won't I Daddy? I'm gonna find you. And your little girls too." I said. They giggled and ran out of a room and down the hall. Wait a minute. This isn't my house. Everything is too white. Its very bright. Its like a polar bear and an article fox had a wedding in here.

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