Chapter 13: Answers

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Zane's POV:

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. My knee shaking. I  was uneasy. My mind raced with wonders of what happened to Trish. This is all my fault. I stressed her out and now I could lose her. Its not your fault Zane. Yes it is. No its not. She's gonna walk out of this hospital and still be the same Patricia we've always known. She's gonna be ok. I wish I could believe that.

I looked over at her parents. They were pale. I looked at her mother. She looks just like Patricia. Trish took more of her mother's features. He step dad looked upset. All of our friends skipped school and came heee with me. They all looked terrible. "Man, I know I dont like her but I dont want anything bad to happen to her." said Noah.

"I know right. Sure she was a mean person but she's still out friend." said Wilson. Im glad he's my best friend. "I don't like her either way." said Charles. I know he's a demon and all and don't like people but he can keep his opinions to himself. I looked over at the girls. Stacy was crying, Rebecca looked like she was on the verge of tears, Hannah was also crying. And Ashley just sat there, stonefaced. She never like showing emotions.

Good thing my parents were here for me. I could use the comfort. Just then doctor came over. "Patricia Thompson?" He said. We all stood up. "How's my baby girl?" Asked her mother. "She's was under a lot of stress, but she's stable right now. She pull through." He said. "But she lost the baby so she's gonna take some time-" he was cut off.

"Wait baby?" She turned and glared at me. Everybody did. Aw shit. I'm dead. Yeah no shit. My heart started racing. My mother glared at me and said," You are so dead when we get home." Her eyes glowing red. Oh Jesus help me. Trish's mother walked over to me and said,"You better hope my pulls through or so help me I'll-" she was cut off by my mom

"You'll do what to my son?"  "Do I really need to say it? That boy has done nothing but cause trouble for my daughter ever that black new girl came into town. And how she's-" "Wait are you talking about? What black girl?" Asked my mom. "There's this new girl at school that started with Patricia and she fought Trish all because Trish asked her nicely for her to get out of her seat." Said Hannah.

Oh hell no. "That is not true." I said. "It is true Zane and you know it." She said. "Hannah I was there. Ok I was in the classroom when it all happened. Ok Trish started with Angel by calling a black bitch and not 'asking her nicely' to get out of her seat. Trish dragged Angel's race and Angel took up for herself. Plus Trish hit her first so it was self defense. Angel defended herself and that's that." I shouted.

"Unbelievable. You know Tricia told me you would stick up for that black bitch. She said you would do protect her." Said her mom. I stared at her. "And you know what? I will. I will continue to stick up for Angel. She's new. She doesn't know how things work around here. Even if she did, she still wouldn't listen to Trish." I said.

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