Chapter 9: Complications

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Zane's POV:

She could be dead. She have gotten eaten by a bear or something. She could have gotten bit by a snake. She could've gotten eaten by a shark. These are the thoughts that kept me awake. I couldn't go to sleep. My wondered if Angel is alive. I hope she is. I wonder if she found the boat I hid for her?

I couldn't fall asleep, I can't lie in bed knowing she could be out there in the shivering cold. She would die. I throw the covers off me and threw on some clothes. I sneak downstairs, hopefully not waking anyone up. A vampire's hearing is always on OP. I get downstairs and I see light.

A walked closer and seen it was in my dad's den. I hear a voice. Its my dad's. "Yes I know. I know baby but you just gotta wait a longer." What the fuck? He's cheating on mom? "Baby I know.... I understand. Just give me till Christmas. I'll get the divorce and we can be together. I'm not gonna let you raise that baby alone I promise." HE GOT A BITCH PREGNANT? I listened closely.

"Baby I understand. I'm not trying to stress you out. Please calm down. Your 6 six weeks pregnant. I don't wanna lose our bundle of joy....I'm excited too." I walked away pissed. I couldn't listen anymore. He's been cheating on mom? No wonder he's always gone. And he's been distant from us.

A cheater is never a good person. I was raised better. But I did kissed Angel so I guess I shouldn't be talking. I didn't realize the kitchen light was also on. It was my little sister: Zoey.

"Hey there little one. What are you doing up?" I asked her, as I dropped down to one knee. "I can ask you the same thing." She said in a baby voice. A vampire's brain can accelerate into an adult's even though they're a child. Though the mindset is still a child. "Seriously Zoey why are up?" I asked her.

She looked down at her hands. "I wanted a glass of apple juice but I'm too small to reach it." She said. I shook my head and chuckled. "I'll get it for you." I opened the fridge door and cabinet door to get a cup and poured apple juice into it. "Here you go." I gave it to her. She sipped it and said,"Thank you."

She walked away but stopped. She turned around with her puppy dog face. "Can you make me a sandwich pwease?" She's too cute. "Sure but you better be in bed to eat it. I don't want you up again, alright?" She smiled and super speeded upstairs. I started making her sandwich. I also just remembered what I was supposed to do: go get Angel.

Then I heard footsteps. Too heavy for Zoey's little self. Its my dad's. "Son, what are doing up?" Jesus help me. I rolled my eyes. Good thing he's behind me. "Making Zoey a sandwich." I said, not turning around. "Oh, is she up?" He asked. God I don't want to talk to him right now. "Yes. But not for long. She's gonna eat her sandwich then go back to bed."

I finished making her sandwich then walked toward the stairs. "Give it to me I'll take it to her." He said and reached for it. I don't want him around her. "No thanks I got it." I said, hoping he'll get the message. "Son I got it. Besides you need to be in bed for school tomorrow. And I need to talk to her anyways." I looked up at him.

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