Chapter 18: Surprises Part 3

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Angel's POV:

I woke up the sound of someone calling me. "Angel?!" "ANGEL?!" My mama and Jennifer. I sat up fast and got dizzy. I looked down at my bed. Zane was gone. So was his clothes. Did I dream I had sex with Zane? Then my vagina started hurting. No bitch you and him had sex. Rose!!! Well shit bitch. All those orgasms you had shit I was enjoying the show. I blushed at my own mini me. "Angel there you are. Gurl where you? Me and Cole waited hours for you?" said Jennifer.

My mama walked in. "Angel why are naked?" Jennifer looked at me squinted her eyes then smirked at me. "I was really tired. So I took a shower and I guess I fell asleep before I put on my clothes." I lied. "Girl what am I gonna do with you." She said. "Well hurry get up. Mrs.Thornton called and said you could have an early Christmas break and that you didn't have to come today. But she wants you makeup some school. I don't know what's wrong with that woman. You must've made a good impression on her." She said.

"Maybe." I said. "Well best Fran get up get dressed cause we going out." Said Jennifer. "Ok give me some privacy please?" I asked both of them. Jennifer walked out. "Girl I'm ya mama. I know what you looked like. Hell I gave birth and changed you." She said. "Mama, I need to take a shower and change. Jenn is impatient." I said. "Alright hurry up. Cause you getting that school work." She said walked out the room.

I got up but feel back down. Damn bitch. Daddy dicked you down good and now you can't walk. She laughed. Bitch fuck you. Zane already did. If you had a body I chop you right in the throat. I went to the bathtub. I put in my ear buds. And listened to music. I closed my eyes. I was listening to Jacquees R&B nigga.

I was startled when someone tapped me. I jumped. It was Zane. He was laughing. "What is wrong with you? Don't sneak up on a black person. That's how you die." I said. He just kept laughing. "Its funny." I said. "I'm sorry. I called your name. Your didn't answer." He said. I noticed he changed clothes.

"You left?" I asked. "Yeah I heard a door close and grabbed my stuff, and flew out the window. Just in time for maria to wake me up." He said. "Who's Maria?" I asked. "My maid" he said nonchalantly. I shook my head. "You and your mom don't have one?" He asked. "No we always pick up after ourselves. We're were spoon feed everything like you Zane." I said.

"Just so you know, I don't take anything or Maria for granted. Im not a selfish monster." He said. He sadness in his eyes. "No baby I didn't mean it like that. Me and my mom were poor so we did everything ourselves. We wre so used to it, that when someone does something for one of us, we don't take too kindly to it." I said tryna reassure him.

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