Chapter 17: Surprises Part 2

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Zane's POV:

Lately Angel and I have become distant. Ever since her Mama was released from the hospital, she's spent all of her time taking care of her. When she's not there, my mom was there taking care of her. They've seem to grow close to each other. I tried asking Wilson why he's growing closer to Angel.

He just told me the less I know, the better. We've been teaching Angel on how to use her powers. She seems to be a pretty fast learner. She learned to transform to anything on command. She learned to control her blue flame when she gets angry. But why is it a blue flame? That's rare to have. I picked up her scent and followed it.

I followed it to the beach. She was using her mermaid powers to dry off. Good thing the beach is empty or this'll be bad. Yep. She walked into the woods. Then she stopped. I walked up yo her. Out of now she took off running. I chased after her I caught up to her. Your not that faster than me love.

I caught her around the waist. She screamed but I covered her mounrh. "Angel calm down. Its me." I said. I walked her home. I asked her what I should get Patricia for her birthday. She stared at me then transformed and flew away. So what me and Trish got back together? She hasn't done anything to Angel.

That should be a hint that something bad is coming. You're right that is suspicious. Its no wonder Angel doesn't want anything to do with you. Shut up James. I transformed and caught up to her. "Angel?!" I called after her. She was almost past the barrier. I can't go through that. I found out that Mr. & Mrs. Gruffman placed a barrier around her house.

The only magical beings to get through is herself, my mom and Zoey. Hopefully she'll allow me to pass soon. We got into another argument. I made a period joke, then she told me she was leaving. But it was just for Christmas break. I came up with a better proposal. To have her friends come here, mostly because I wanted her to stay.

Plus I really wanted to meet them. I wanna know if Angel has great taste in friends like I do. She said she'll think about it. I took off running home. I made it but Patricia was in my room. "Hey Daddy I've missed you. Where'd you go?" She said, as she wrapped her hands around me. Again that Daddy thing didn't turn me like it used to.

She then started sniffing me. "Trish what are you doing?" I asked her. She pushed me away. "You were with that bitch. Why is her scent all over you?" She glared at me. "I wanted to talk to her but she took off running so I grabbed her to slow her down." I told her truthfully. She just glared at me.

"So instead of saying, 'Angel could you slow down so I can talk to you?' You decide to wrap yourself around her?" She asked. That's the same thing Angel said. "Zane..." She asked. "I didn't do anything with her Trish." I said. Yet. Shut it. "Good. You wouldn't want little Angel actually becoming one." She threatened. "Why are you here anyway?" I asked.

"I'm hungry." She said. "Then go eat." I said. "Not for food. For sex. I'm starving. I haven't done anything in over two months." She said with a straight face. "Well I'm not in the mood, so I don't know what to tell you." I said as I started getting ready for bed. "Zane come on now. Do you really want me to die? I need this Zane. In order to live, I need this you know this." She said.

I looked up at her. I walked up to her and kissed her. I pulled her closer to me. I picked her up and put her on my bed. Cone on Zane get hard. Think about Patricia in a vulnerable, helpless position. Nothing. I just kept kissing her. Dude think of Angel in a vulnerable, helpless position. That worked. I moved my head downward and started hungrily devouring her.

She grabbed my head and started moaning like crazy. Fuck. I kept going til she came. I then got and reached into my drawer and pulled out a condom and put it on. I learned my lesson last time. My dad gave them to me. He may be a cheating bastard but he is helpful. Though he got another bitch pregnant.

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