Chapter 10: Transformations & Truths Part 1

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Angel's POV:

I woke up to a ringing sound. I open my eyes to sunlight shining in my face. I squinted and turned away. The ringing continued. I sat up and saw my phone's alarm clock going off. I turned it off. And got ready for school. I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I got some water on my hands. I paid no attention to it. But then my started tingling again.

It happened twice yesterday but nothing happened. Then 10 seconds later I fall to the ground.What the hell? I looked down at my chest. The fuck is this? Some new bathing suit top? I didn't buy this. It was scaley. I tried to get up but I couldn't move my legs. Actually I couldn't feel my legs. I looked behind me and seen I had a whole. Fucking. MERMAID TAIL!!!

I started panicking and tried to move from it but it was heavier than I thought. I looked at it. It orange and covered in scales. "Angel?" called my mama. I couldn't let her see me like this. "Ye-yeah mama?" I responded hoping she'll stay in there. "Are you dressed?" She asked. "Yes ma'am I'm just in the bathroom." I answered. "Ok hurry let's go. I gotta drop you off at school." she said. "On my way." Exactly how are gonna go downstairs with a tail? said an unknown voice? I looked around, thinking it Mr. Gruffman from last night. No I'm not Mr. Gruffman. I'm your mini me Angel.

Ok now I'm getting freaked out. Just grab a towel and dry off said the voice. It wasn't Mr. Gruffman's voice. I looked around for a towel and found one. I rubbed it on my tail and it disappeared. My legs a returned. I noticed something else. My vision is better. I had perfect vision before but now I see can everything. The dust specks in the air, the moisture on the windows.

I hear things even better too. The wind, the birds outside, the cars outside, my mama's engine running. Then I heard the horn beep. It hurt at first. I got up, grabbed my stuff and ran downstairs. I mean I ran faster. Like at light speed. What is happening to me? Am I dreaming? No your not. Who is this voice? I'm you're mini me. The voice that helps you along you're way in life. You mean my conscience? No. That's something different. Look just go to Mr. & Mrs. Gruffman after school.

I just went with this. Im totally dreaming. I walked but not ran to the car. My mama looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. You just.....look different." She said. I hope she's doesn't catch on. "Different how?" I asked, curious as to how I look different. "You're skin is lighter, your hair looks healthier and silkier, your glowing..." She gasped.

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