Chapter 29: Birth & Sacrifice

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Zane's POV:

I couldn't believe it. Patricia actually went off the deep end. She actually went too far. She went too damn far this time. Yeah no shit. So are we finally gonna kill her? Yeah James. She went too far. She hurt Angel, bailed her dad out of jail, and just took her. Who knows what she'll do. "Zane you know Patricia best. Any idea where she could be?" Asked Ms. Lisa. "I'm sorry guys. I don't know. "Isn't there any place where she would go?" She asked me.

Think Zane. Think. I shook my head. "I'm sorry." I said. "Damn it. There's gotta be some place she'll go to stay hidden." Jennifer said. "When we get her, we'll kill her. Its the only way. She went against us. We cannot allow that to happen." Said the head master of the Magic Council. "If you guys are so high snd mighty, why didn't you do that to begin with?" Asked Ms. Lisa. They stared at her.

"You and Angel are truly alike." They said. She closed her eyes and counted to ten. They are alike. "We must get Angel back. A Uni-Hybrid out of grasp. Who knows what Angel will do. " said Mrs. Thornton. "Ok so you guys are Patricia's closest friends. Ashley, Hannah, Stacy, Rebecca, any ideas where she could've gone?" Asked Cole. "I think I know." Said Ashley. "Ashley where?" Asked my mom.

"Zane you remember that old house in the woods we went to as kids?" She asked. "Yeah but I haven't been there since I was a kid. I'm not even sure if its still there. Why?" I said. "Well she made me put a spell on it few years ago. Only she can get in and out." She told me. "Then we got to go there" said Jennifer. "Everyone hold hands." Said Rebecca. We did. I had to hold hands with Cole. We were very uncomfortable.

We teleported to the woods. "Og my God I feel sick." Said Jennifer. "Yeah I feel like I was just on a rollercoaster." Said Cole. "Oh my stomach is doing flips." Said Charles. "Yeah I probably should have told you to hold your breaths. I'm an elf so I can jump without being affected by it." Rebecca said.

"Ok so Angel's around here somewhere?" Asked Jared. "Yep. She's gotta be. Patricia would never go somewhere she goes frequently." Said Ashley. "Lisa are you alright?" My mom asked her. I looked at here. She looked like she was about to throw up. "My head is spinning. And my stomach is out of place." She said then threw up.

"Yeah your human so its gonna affect you most." Rebecca said. "Come on. Hopefully they'll be around here." Said Cole. We all transformed and searched for Angel and Patricia. My mom and Zoey stayed behind to protect Ms. Lisa. Come on Angel baby. Where's your scent? I pray Trish didn't kill her. I looked over at everyone. They're doing all of this yo save a human turned Uni-Hybrid.

Hold on Angel baby. I'm coming. "Guys I smell lemons. Patricia's nearby. Be careful." Said Marcus. I smelt it too. But where's Angel's scent? I ran faster than ever. "Oh my God." Cried Wilson. "What's up Wilson?" Jennifer asked. "I smell vanilla. Angel's near." He said. "If Angel's nearby, Trish isn't too far behind then." Stacy said.

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