Chapter 22: Love Storm

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Angel's POV:

I woke up to loud music playing. I got up sleepily. "Well good morning sleepyhead." Said a voice. I looked over. It was Cole. "Were you watching me sleep?" I asked. He looked up at me. "Girl you wish." He said with an attitude. "What's with the loud music?" I asked. "Your mom wants us to clean this whole house, top to bottom." He said.

"So why are you on here?" I asked. "She told me me to come wake you up. But your already so come on. Let's get to it. I know that we can do it." He said, with that lame ass Dora reference. I got up, took a bath, brished my teeth, and put on some clothes. I went downstairs. Jennifer and Cole already started.

My mama looked up at me. "Go head and get started." She said, then walked away. I guess she's still pissed about us coming home late. I got to work. We cleaned for hours. I had totally forgot yesterday's events, including my pregnancy. I went to throw up in the kitchen. "Morning sickness getting to ya?" Asked Jennifer. Good the music was playing loud as hell. Don't want him knowing about this.

"Yeah. This bleach is killing me." I said. She reminded me of everything to went down last night, including the fact that Wilson shapeshiftes into me to get through Mrs. Gruffman's barrier. She saw that coming. She made me scream when she changed into a scary creature. I ran out the back door.

I grabbed my phone and realized that  I got text messages from Zane.

Zane💓👑: Don't forget that you have to come back to see the Magic Council.
Zane💓👑: Baby hurry up and wake up please? I'm bored.
Zane💓👑: We will have to talk about your aunt thing.
Zane💓👑: Tell Cole I'm sorry for beating his ass.

Lord this boy. Yo nigga. Wait till he finds out your pregnant. He's really gonna be clingy then. Oh God. I can see it now. Zane bothering me, asking if I'm ok every 5 minutes, catering to me, giving me attention I don't want. I shook my head and went back to cleaning. We finally got down cleaning the whole house. I texted Zane back telling that I was going to eat first first. I told him to not to worry about it bit to worry about me making a good impression on the Magic Council.

We told my mama that we're down and was going out. She told us that next time we're late, she beating us. We went to the Smoothie Shakes in town. We sat in a booth ordered our food. I ordered more food than I normally eat. "Whoa Angel. You sure you wanna eat all that food?" Cole asked me. "Yeah. I'm small but I love to eat. I also I'm eating for two. But I didn't say that. Cole excused himself and went the bathroom.

"At some point you gotta tell Zane your pregnant with his child." Jennifer told me. "I will. I'm just waiting for the right moment." I said. "Well you won't have to wait much longer." She said looking over my shoulder. "He's coming over here?" I whispered. "He looking for you. He don't see you yet." She said.

I glanced behind me. He brought everyone. Ah come on. I got up to go to the bathroom. "Angel!!!" Called Zoey. Dang it. Again so close. I love Zoey but she's gotta stop pointing me out. I keep walking like didn't hear her. "Best Fran get yo fat ass over here." Jennifer yelled. This bitch. I turned around as if I just heard her.

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