Chapter 27: The Party

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Zane's POV:

After my talk with Patricia, the weather changed dramatically. Angel told me the weather is based on her emotions. Who pissed her off? Ask her and find out. I called and texted Angel. No answer. She can't still be sleep. Its like 1:00. I tried again. Still no answer. I left her 24 messages. Still no answer. Then I caught her scent. I followed it to the Gruffmans' house. I knocked and Mrs. Gruffman came out. Her husband was behind her. At first she was smiling, then she saw me. Her smile disappeared. "What do you want son?" Mr. Gruffman asked. "I picked Angel's scent and I was wondering if she was here. I wanna talk to her." I said nicely.

"She's not here. She doesn't want you coming by her house anymore. Bye." He said then shut door in my face. Who pissed in his cereal? They're old. They're gonna cranky. Just then the door opened. Mr. Gruffman walked out. "Tell James we ate not grumpy. We're pissed because Angel's pissed. If I were you, I'd get the hell out of town. There's no telling what a Uni-Hybrid can do if they're pissed." He said angrily and walked back inside and slammed the door.

What did I do? I transformed and flew home first. I had to change. I didn't want Angel smelling Patricia's scent on me. "Zane what happened?" Asked my mom. I was confused. "With what?" I asked. "There weather changed so quickly. There's reports of a Category 7 Hurricane, huge tornadoes, and there was just an Magnitude 10 earthquake. Did you piss off Angel?" She asked. "No I was actually going to see her yo ask her about it." I said

The Magic Council appeared behind her. "Zane where's Angel? We need to talk to her about her changing the weather. Humans are getting suspicious. She's a Uni-Hybrid. She's incredibly powerful. More powerful than we ate. And now that's she pregnant, she even more powerful. She's needs to control her temper." They said. "I'm gonna go talk to her." I said. Then my friends showed up. 'Guys I don't know what's up with Angel. I'm going to talk to her now." I said.

They looked at each other. "They just told me about the weather. I experienced it first hand too." I said. I ran upstairs, changed clothes then ran back downstairs. "Zane make sure tell her to come talk to us. We need to discuss this." They said. I nodded my head and left. I transformed and flew to Angel's house. Whatever it was that pissed Angel had to be serious for her to change the weather. Yeah, if not, they might kill her. It had to hit her hard for her to summoning dangerous weather. I arrived to see her mom's and Cole's car not there.

I flew up to a tree and transformed back. I seen Angel lying on her bed, on her laptop. She looks perfectly fine, so what the hell set her off? She then picked up her phone. She's finally gonna answer our texts. She was on it for a second then put it back down. What? I moved closer to her window. I tapped it. She didn't hear it. She had to have heard it. She then put in her ear buds. Okay now she won't be able to hear me at all.

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