Chapter 28: My Battles

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Angel's POV:

5 Months Later*

I woke up smiling to myself. I tried to sit up but I had trouble. My stomach got bigger. The twins caused me to double my food consumption and blood consumption. I finally was able to sit up. These past few months have hard on me. I've been throwing up more, I keep eating, and drinking blood, and every time I look at an animal, I end up wanting to kill it. Ms. Ella said it was perfectly natural.

The other parents said the same thing. Its just my natural instinct taking over. That's the mothers instinct. Anything I feel that could threaten my babies, the instinct takes over.  I got up and took a bath. I missed my friends. Jennifer and Cole had to go home. Two days after the party, they had to leave. They said they were coming back today. For my evaluation from the Magic Council.

I wanted them to come. I was irritated going with just they guys and girls. I completely trust them and they're my friends. But I wanted to be with them. Zane apologized to Cole but still doesn't like him. I dried off and brushed my teeth. I got dressed and headed downstairs. I saw my mama. "Hey baby girl, how you feeling?" She asked. "Hungry. Irritated. Nauseous." I said. She stared at me. "But other than that I'm fine." I said quickly, trying not to make her mad at me. I may be pregnant but she still my mama. She could knock the hell out of me.

We drove to the airport and waited for Jenn and Cole. We found them and drove to the Magical Realm. My mama couldn't enter cause she wasn't a magical being. Cole helped her out. She entered the place with us. It was the same exact building that I fought Patricia and the dangerous creatures. As we approached the Magic Council, I suddenly felt nervous. Everything I showed them before was me fighting.

They didn't see the real, quiet me. I saw Zane and the crew. And Zoey and Ms. Ella. I saw their parents too. They didn't see us yet. Until Mrs. Thornton called me out. "Ah Angel. Thank you for coming." She said. I nodded but kept quiet. I saw Patricia and Lydia. I Aldo Patricia's step dad. He didn't look happy to see us. I stepped closer to my mama. "Lisa, Jennifer, Cole. So nice of you guys to cone." Mrs. Thornton said.

"Well I'm not letting my daughter get in anymore trouble that'll result in her dying. "Well if your daughter hadn't let her guard down and what's actually smart, I wouldn't have almost killed her." Patricia said smirking. I walked closer to her. "Trust me bitch. I will not be making the same mistake twice." I said. Then some guards approached me with a tall ass wall of glass.

"Ok Angel. This is a 4 in thick wall of glass. So far, no one has been able to bresk it. See if you can." Mrs. Thornton said. I walked to it and stared at it. "Who makes glass like this?" I asked. "Does it matter bitch?" Asked Patricia. I turned to her and punched the glass, easily breaking it, without looking at the glass. "Damn." Whispered her step dad. "Ok Angel, we're going to test your shield ability." Mrs. Thornton.

All of a sudden, I got incredibly irritated. Why am I irritated Rose? I don't like people questioning my shield. No one's questioning it Rose. "Ok Angel we're gonna attack Ella. Its your job is to protect her." She said. "No wait." I said but they hurt her. "Angel?!" She said. "I wasn't ready." I said. They did it again. "Angel your supposed to-" I cut her off. "Its hard ok?!" I shouted. "You didn't have a problem doing it before." Said Lydia, smirking.

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