Chapter 25: Opposites Attract

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Zane's POV:

After I found out Angel was awake, I've been trying to talk to her. Mostly about the fact that she didn't tell me she was pregnant. She kept her distance from me because of what I said to Cole. I will admit I went too far. Im going to apologize to him for saying it. I'm just overprotective of Angel and even more now that she's pregnant. She took off into the water and went for a swim.

She said she felt smothered by everyone and wanted to be by herself. I gave her space. I transformed and flew home. I've been back and forth because Patricia put Angel in a coma. I went to the Gruffmans' house every morning and stayed there til 11:00 at night. I wanted to be there when she woke up. I left to makeup my school work and come back to find her and Cole talking.

I got home and took a warm shower. I needed time to figure out how I'm gonna approach her on her pregnancy, without stressing her out. My mom and the rest of us took care of Angel while she was out. Giving her food and blood since she couldn't do it herself. Good timing too. Doctors said she would've lost it because Angel hasn't been drinking blood since she transformed. She still won't do it. I'm gonna talk to her about that too.

I got out the shower and put on some clothes. How am I gonna approach her on this James? Just come out with it. She owes you this. She's the one who kept it a secret. She probably had a reason. Better be a good one. JAMES!!! Zane think about it. She was pregnant this while time but told no one but Jennifer and Cole. Your her boyfriend yet she kept it from you. Not to mention she fought dangerous creatures, the Magic Councils' kids, and fought Patricia while pregnant. With all that kind of stress, she could've lost it.

I thought about that. Alright you have a point. Shortly after I tried coming up with ways to talk to her, I fell asleep. "Zane? Daddy where are you?" called Angel. I looked around. I'm in a house. This isn't my house. Nor is it Angel's. Where am I? "Zane baby?" She called again. I'm in a bed. The TV was on. "Zane?" She called. "In here love." I said.

She walked looking lovely as ever. "There you are. I've been looking for you. I've missed you." She said. I looked down at her stomach. Her stomach is no longer big. Where's the baby? She climbed on top of me. "Daddy where have you been?" She asked. "Angel I've been here this whole time. Where are we anyway?" I asked looking around. "Baby its our house remember?" She said, trailing her hands in my shirt. "When did we get it? I don't remember buying it." I said.

She looked at me. "Daddy, you bought us, and the family we're gonna have." She said as she kissed me. I kissed her back. Wait the family we're gonna have? I thought we already had one. And where's the baby? "Angel wait. Where's our baby?" I asked her in between kisses. "You didn't put one in me yet." She said, taking my shirt off. I grabbed her waist but she pushed me back down.

"No Daddy. Just sit back and let me do everything. I'll let you know when you can join in." she said. Well alright. She kissed me some more, while rubbing my dick. It felt good. Really good. She pulled out my fick and started stroking it, while still kissing me. I groaned in her mouth. She pulled away and started sucking me. I groaned louder. "Louder Daddy. I wanna hear good I make you feel." She said. I groaned even louder. The way she was blowing felt good. "There we go. Am I doing a good job Daddy?" She asked.

I close my eyes. "Yes princess you're doing a great job." I said. I bit my lip as I opened my eyes to looked at her. It felt way so good. I wanted her to keep going. I groaned and pulled her head closer. She deepthroated my dick and kept going. Damn she a freak, ain't she. Didn't know she could deepthroat. I groaned again. I finally came all over her face and hair. She was good at this. Too good. Wasn't she a virgin when we met? How she get so good at this? I looked at her. Her face was covered in jizz. She smiled at me.

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