Chapter 8: Metamorphosis

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Angel's POV:

I can't believe this. I get kissed by someone I got a crush on and he switches up on me? Who the fuck does that? Need I remind him that HE kissed ME?!?! Not the other way around. It got dark quickly though. How long was we all on this island? School was just beginning.

Its my first day there, I went to two classes and I missed the other 3. And lunch. Speaking of which, I'm starving. I looking around me and saw nothing. Because its dark Angel I thought to myself. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flashlight. I looked at the time: 7:18. Ah shit. My mama's gonna kill me.

I was spooked by the sound of thunder & lightning. I gotta get back to that cave. I took off running. I dont wanna get struck by lightning. The rain was coming down hard. Raining falling likes cats and dogs, the sweat coming down my forehead, draping my hair down around my face.

The storm continued to rage on. I'm running, then I see it again, the ball of light I seen earlier. I'm running faster, trying to catch up to the ball of light. It disappears into the cave. I stand there, deciding if dare to venture into the cave or turn around and go back and try my chances with the boat. Fuck it I thought. Wait, this is just like my dream. Its gotta be. Now I can figure out the ending to it. I thought to myself. Hopefully no interruptions this time.

As I took a step inside the cave, my heart races a mile a minute for what awaits me in the cave. I venture deeper in the darkness, my mind races with wonder as to what awaits me in the cave. As I venture further, I pulled out my phone's flashlight to see.

As I continue walking, I hear water rushing, as if a waterfall's nearby. As I near the sound of water, I see light and then there it is: the ball of light I've been chasing. It seems to just sit there, levitating itself as if its waiting for something. Holy shit this IS just like my dream. I gotta know. Nothing is gonna stop from knowing the ending.

I walked closer, to see if it was gonna mover or something. Nothing. I looked around to see if anything else was nearby. Again nothing. I smiled to myself. I'm actually gonna found out the ending to my own dream. I grinned from ear to ear. I looked back at the ball of light and looked closer.

Its an orb of some sort. I looked even closer and saw what looked like galaxies inside. I reached out to touch it and it jumped up and moved slowly but swiftly to the other side of the cave. It stayed there til I moved closer. The more I moved toward it, the further it moves.

"Maybe its guiding me somewhere?," I wondered out loud. I followed it even deeper into the cave. I followed it til it guided me into a opening of light. I walked closer to the opening saw a moon pool. It was incredibly beautiful. Then the water started to bubble. "It led me here....why?" As if it heard it hovered over the moon pool. I felt an urge to just get in. I did. I got in and looked up at the full moon.

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