Sydney's P.O.V.

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When I get to school this morning, all anyone is talking about is the homecoming football game and parade after lunch. I'm so excited to finally show off the float that I've been working on all year.

Ashton's P.O.V.

When I get to school, all anyone is talking about is the stupid homecoming football game. I don't get whey everyone loves it so much. I hate football. I always have, and I always will. The one thing that I hate even more than the game it's self is the homecoming parade after lunch. I hate it so much! Everyone has their spot; the homecoming float that had been under construction since last school year, then the marching band that leads the cheerleaders and football players out onto the field, followed by the most talented photographers in the photography club and then on the side lines the school newspaper enthusiasts taking detailed notes for the write up about the event in the school newspaper, then there's the people who only wish that they could play some sort of role in the event in the very front of the bleachers, and the people who could care less, in the very back of the bleachers. That's where I wish I could be instead on the field. I hate having all that attention on me. Well it's not all on me individually, but I still would rather be hidden in the back of the bleachers, blending in with all of the other faces that don't want to be there.

Sydney's POV.

I can hardly eat my sandwich at lunch time because I'm so excited for the parade. When I see Luke, I wave him over to sit with me.

"How can you eat with all this excitement!!!?!?" I question him

"What excitement?" he asks while stuffing six French fries in his mouth.

"For the parade!!!" I inform him

"Oh that? There's nothing exciting about marching down a field with a stupid over sized cardboard box and a bunch of band nerds leading the way" stupid cardboard box? Ouch.I thought he would be more excited for me than this.

"Stupid cardboard box? Luke, I've been working on that all year!!"

"Yeah I know... so what's your point?"

wow. "Whatever. Look, I've gotta go. the people who worked on the 'stupid cardboard box' have to meet in the gym." I say and get up and walk away.

"SYD!! Sydney, what the hell!!?" I hear Luke yelling after me.

I throw my untouched sandwich away and head towards the gym.

"Oh god sorry!!" A voice apologizes.


"Oh Ashton, hi! Uhh look I'm really sorry about yesterday morning, I don't know what was wrong with him.."

"Uhh yeah.. it''s fine" he says and walks away.

Ashton's POV.

As I head back to the band room, I can't help but feel a little ridiculous wearing this band outfit. I love band, but I hate the required uniform.

When I get into the band room, my drum is no where to be found. After looking around the whole room, I finally decide to ask someone if they've seen it.

"Hey, have you seen my drum anywhere?" I ask

"No sorry, man" Calum responds.

I don't have very many friends here..Well any for that matter, but I've always looked at Calum as an acquaintance of some sort.

"Hey has anybody seen my drum??" I yell

"No, stop asking everyone!! We don't know where it is! You're making yourself look like an idiot!" Connor Brighton tells me.

Connor Brighton. Connor is the principals son, so he gets pretty much everything he wants. Although I also feel kind of bad for Connor. He has all of these "friends" but I find myself thinking quite often how many of his "friends" are actually his true friends opposed to how many are just hanging around him because of his status.

"Come on everyone!!! Get in line for the parade!!" Mr. Becker yells above all of our voices.


As the line forms, I have no other option than to grab a spare drum and worry about mine after the parade.

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