Chpt 🥀1🥀

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Warning This book contains:

Bad language
Suicidal thoughts
Bad grammor
Bad spelling
Long updates.

This is a book for 18+.

But lets face it, I know most of you may not be 18 ( includding me cough cough ) but please read

Jungkook's Pov

My name is Jungkook. I am moving schools because I was bullied all because I am emo. I was bullied for 7 years. I was homeschooled for 2 years and now my parents are going to be sending me to a school called Bangtan High. I I am a bit nervous you see once again, I am emo, But I will say if they dont like me then what the actual fuck. If they don't like me then don't look at me duh.

But no, all they do is just judge you because of your outside appearance. I have tried to kill myself multipul times but my friend Jin always stopped me but he moved away. I still talk with him and he might be at Bangtang High so that is one reason why I can't wait to go.

He is a little emo himself but he hides it so he won't get told out about it.

I quickly got dressed in all black clothing I put in my earrings and did my makeup.

I quickly got dressed in all black clothing I put in my earrings and did my makeup

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I didn't like the glasses because they are too last century. I fixed my hair and put on some musk and slowly made my way to school. I walked into the campus and already there are people looking at me some even blushing. I walked around and noticed that there was this one kid with a blonde mullet and sunkissed skin. The creepy thing was, he kept on looking at me.

I walked to the office to get my locker number and room number. When I got to the office I saw Jin. I smiled and we both hugged even though I don't really like hugs. He gave me my times table and I quickly smiled and left him.I walked around and finally found my locker after a few minutes of walking around the school.

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