• analyze your environment more. notice patterns, shapes, colors that you can incorporate into your ideas.
• draw geometric patterns and plants.
• draw environmental settings like a hidden forest, cafe, etc. use your imagination!
• come up with a list of adjectives of a feeling, event, etc like velvet, deadly and intriguing
• try to write your dreams down to look back for reference.
• when you ask yourself a question, try to find answers to contradict quotes or statements. Basically try to argue with yourself. This can allow you to be more open minded and is also good for honing your skill in problem solving
• write, draw, take phots or do a creative hobby that engages your brain.
• find connections between things
• think weirdly—outside the box. nothing creative comes entirely from thinking normal.
• improve your visual memory by eating pomegranates and honey

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RandomThis self care book contains masterposts, tips, advice and threads for yourself, health and lifestyle. From skin care, to dating, school and having fun, it's all here in this book. -eѕт ѕepтeмвer 2018 ーmarked completed october 2019