How To Make Friends

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Finding Friends:
- Join an organization or club. It's a great way to communicate especially when it comes to clubs. I prefer clubs because you can talk and relate about the same things since you are in the same club.
- Join a sports team. Honestly sports resolves around teamwork so it's a great opportunity to open up and communicate.
- If you're in school, try joining a conversation when you hear something that you're familiar with like going up and saying "did someone mention____! I like that too!" etc. It's a great way to bond with people especially when you have or know something similar.

Making The First Move:
- Talk to people, start the conversation. (Note that it can be about the weather or a comment on the current moment. Once you get to know them you can start by getting a little deeper and talking about more interesting things like your hobbies, pets, etc. Unless you what to bring that up first).
- Once you find a person you like, talk to them when you see them.
- Make sure to set a good impression by being friendly, open, and making them feel comfortable around you.
- Also make sure you introduce yourself to them. You can do this at the end or the beginning of the conversation.
- Ask them out for lunch or coffee.

Maintaining Friendships
- Be loyal, always be there for them and don't betray their trust.
- Make sure to give them attention and communicate often.
- Be reliable, and make sure to always be able to help them.
- Emphasize each other's qualities and bring out the best in each other.
- Keep in touch. Ask them if they can help you with things, go to events, hang out, etc.
- Let them know the real you (btw you don't have to expose yourself just be authentic and don't be someone you're not).

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